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Incognito asked in HealthDental · 7 years ago

What can I eat thats filling with stitches in the roof of my mouth?

I had to have a tooth extracted from the roof of my mouth so now I have stitches in the roof of my mouth.

For the first day I was only suppose to have cold soft foods and second day I can have warm soft foods.

Well its the second day and I tried to eat some potatoe soup (room tempature and the potatoes were very mushy) but it still bothered me to eat.

Only things I have found I am able to eat are ice cream,applesauce and yogurt but I am starving as thats all I have had in the last 48 hours! The cold stuff feel good when they go across my stitches.

Anyone know anything I can eat that will fill me up without it hurting? I can't chew because when I talk my mouth bleeds so I doubt chewing would be a good idea.


Thanks Oatmeal is a great idea I hadn't thought of that!

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago

    I had that too! It was the worst thing ever, it annoyed me so much! But try eating some pudding, oatmeal, mashed potatoes. Its kind of hard to see what food you can eat without knowing what you like.

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