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How can I move out as soon as possible?


Okay so I have a friend who lives across the country from me at the moment. She needs to move out of her place ASAP. She is 21 and still living with her grandma but her grandma is manipulative and abusive. My friend is also LGBT and she can't come out because she has heard from people she lives with she would be beat up and kicked out if she ever were to be gay/bi etc.

We had planned on moving out in like a year after saving up and stuff cause we live so far apart but it's getting worse.

3 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    Maybe rethink the whole 'moving out as soon as possible' because once you're out, you're out. And you may not expect things to be as easy as you thought. So how?

    Prepare yourself. Get a stable job that you can live off (or get two part time jobs). Get a room mate (share the rent). Getting a roommate can also mean getting a nicer place, as you're sharing the rent and you can possibly buy a slightly more expensive place.

    I'm not saying you need to have your entire life planned out as soon as you step out your family home, but you need to have some sort of plan to make sure you know what you're doing and where you're going so you're not just waking up, working, eating take out and sleeping and then repeating it all the next day. You wanna do something with your life don't you? Then make sure you're ready to take on the world, and that you're prepared to do so. It's not all just fun and games, it's work and making your own dinner every night.

    First though, my advice is stay in your family home for as long as you can really. It's a big step moving out, but it also means big responsible which is more responsibility than just keeping your room tidy and doing the dishes on allocated nights.

    You won't have a mother to cook your meals (if that's how it works in your family) and you won't have parents washing your clothes for you and providing you with food, shelter and love.

    You're going to provide all that for yourself once you're gone. It's just you, the governments money and an empty studio apartment for the next eighteen months. Of course not specifically all that, but you get what I mean. Don't expect your life to immediately fall into place once your out there, making a living.

    And p.s get a car.

  • 6 years ago

    once you find a new house outside, settle all moving things, and financial problem, transportation, then you're ok.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    you both have no choice but to save up and then leave, sorry but that is the only way i see it.

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