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How many calories should I eat a day?

I am 18 and 5'7 and weigh about 145 ish (idk for sure my last time I checked it,it was one of those dime weight machines at the gas station so idk how accurate those are)

Anyways over the last 6 months there has been alot stress and its been affecting my diet and excersice and I have lost most of the tone in my stomach and its starting to look a bit jiggly.

I do not want to loose alot of weight just maybe 5-8 pounds or so and get my stomach back to the way it was before.

I am exercising as often as I can (I am going for about 4-5 days a week but I just started so I am hoping I keep up with that) for about a half hour-hour each session or sometimes I work out multiple times during the day for only about 5 minutes.

I have been trying to keep at about 1,845 calories a day or less and have cut back to 4 sodas a week and cut all junk food out of my life and am drinking alot more water. Is 1,845 enough,too much or too little?


If it makes a difference the kind of work outs I do include things like stretching,leg lifts,superman,planking,jumping jacks,dance cardio and sometimes I do walk/runs with my dog but I live in Florida and at this time of the year its either rainy or super hot so thats usually a once a week thing.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You've realised that 1845 calories is roughly your daily intake to keep at a regular level. That's fine.

    BUT it's not a daily measure...It's a long term thing. Treat it as a weekly average. One day go 1000 cals, the next 2000, then 1500, then 3000...And so on.

    Just as long as you average 1800 on a weekly basis is fine.

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