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I'm 18 and I am still not %100 sure of my orientation?

So I am a 18 year old female.

I have been in love with a guy before and I am attracted to guys....

But I also am not grossed out by making out with a girl or possibly having sex with a girl. I have had crushes on girls and felt attraction towards them before.

But I am not sure if I would ever marry a girl or be with one steadily but I do know I could see myself marrying a man one day and I have dated guys before...what does that make me?


Like my friend thinks some girls are hot like "girl crushes" but she says she would never make out or have sex with a girl because she is if I am not opposed to that then what am I?

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    don't rush it. you will find love when you are ready. my friend is gay and she didn't realise it until she was 31. so for now you are probably straight with bi tendencies.

  • 8 years ago

    You're the only one who can know what you feel, but I would possibly describe you as bi-curious. Bi-curious is usually a term for people who aren't sure if they are straight or not, and might be open to experimenting. However, it is not a permanent label, simply one of exploration.

    It's also usually used when the person might be straight or might not be, and you don't sound straight to me. For one, straight people generally don't spend this much time thinking about whether they might not be straight. Even more to the point, you've felt attracted to girls.

    So, you might decide eventually that you identify as bi, or maybe you would prefer the term queer. It's fine if feel sexually attracted to women without any romantic attraction to them. Also keep in mind that sexuality is often fluid, and what you feel might change with time or by meeting a particular person.

    You're not late at all figuring yourself out. Lots of people don't discover they're queer until they are middle aged! Let it flow as it will, and don't worry if you end up having to change your label five hundred times.

  • Lava
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If you're not opposed, if you'd rather have sex with a girl than not have any sex, you're bisexual. You're just a hetero leaning bisexual. There's plenty of heteroromantic or homoromantic bisexuals, we don't all want every gender equally or in the same way. The only thing that ties all bisexuals together is that unlike the monosexuals they don't lack an attraction to any gender.

  • Laura
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I would say that you are bi. You are only 18, you are still really young, so don't think that you have to make a choice about this right now. Some people don't even figure this out until they are in their 40s or 50s.

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