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Should I tell my parents I am dating this girl?

My parents said she can move in with us because she currently is in a home where she is verbally and sometimes physically abused. My parents don t know I am dating her and I was going to tell them until they offered for her to move in. I don t want to risk her chance of getting out of that house. I hate lying to my parents but I also don t was my girlfriend in that place anymore.

We are 20 and 22 so we d obviously tr to get our stuff together in order to move out as soon as possible. Hopefully in the next 6 months so it s not like i d have to lie for long.

What should I do? My girlfriend also lives across the country we are long distance right now. Its not the fact that I dont think my parents would be accepting its just that they wouldnt let me have a boyfriend live with us so I assume same rules would apply in a LGBT relationship.

2 Answers

  • la
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Your girlfriend's stability and safety is more important than your guilt for lying. I understand it's a terrible situation, but you do NOT want to risk that safety and stability.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    If you really want them to know tell them like its no big deal after she's settled in. You can be forward and tell them before she moves in so it's out in the open.

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