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Should I go to this Disney Channel open call?

On the Disney Channel official website they have posted about a talent search for ages 10-17 (its legit its on Disneys website)

Only problem is I am NEWLY turned 18 But I have braces and I easily pass for 15...I had to show my i.d. at a job interview because they didn't believe I was old enough to have a job and my current boyfriend thought I was 15 when we first met.

So should I go and just SAY I am 17 so I can still attend?

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, you can't attend since you're 18. They are not looking for people who can pass for 15. They are looking for kids who ARE 15. And lying to someone - an agent, producer, whoever - is NOT a good way to approach an acting career. Generally speaking, people are not interested in working with others who are dishonest.

    You have to understand that Disney open calls are not for a specific role or anything. No one goes from an open call to a Disney show. This is just a networking opportunity for CHILD actors. (At 18 - you're an adult actor.) It could take YEARS for anyone who catches the interest of a casting director here to actually make it on a Disney show or any show.

    Professional acting is a business. Actors (even Disney actors) are not just "discovered". It's like starting a company and you are the product that has to be marketed and sold. If you're interested in an acting career - then you can do that. There are often calls for actors who are "18 to play younger". But this is not one of them.


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No harm in turning up for the open call. As you guess, the film company is interested in the look, not the documentation.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    if you can pass for the age they want, go on it, but no one has ever been picked for anything on

    these kind of things

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