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How to not care about what people say when I tell them I am not going to college?

My career choice and 2 backups which I already have in motion do NOT require and college degree and a college degree will have no effect in the money I earn in said careers.

So WHY would I bother with college? I have my life and my plans mapped out and am secure in my future as I have my first career choice in motion and my back up plans mapped out too in case.

I think college is fine if you have yet to make a decision for you life and it can be a great way to figure it out or if you know what you want to be and it is a doctor or a teacher or anything that requires higher education than I am all for it and feel you should take charge and run with it and do the best you can.

But I don't NEED a college degree for my plans and I already know what I want to do with my life and I have things to fall back on...yet whenever someone says "What college are you going to" and I say "I am not going to college" I get this look like I am a idiot or something.

I want to not care but it bothers me and makes me feel stupid. People seem to drill in your head that you have to go to college to be any type of success when it just isn't true,I tell people I have plans and they scuff them off. Why would I go into debt for something I don't need?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe elaborate on your plans for the future to show them you do have something planned and are not using that as a cop out to not going to college. If you wish not to discuss your plans, just explain that what you plan to do in life doesn't require a higher education degree (though an undergrad degree is becoming less and less worthy of anything now). It's just something that you've honestly got to become comfortable with. No, not everyone will approve, but life isn't about getting others' approval. As long as you are legally making a living and doing something that will sustain you, that's all that matters. The way to make people see you're serious about doing something with your life even without college is to discuss your plans and even ask them if they know someone that could help you with your plans and things like that. In the end, it's up to you become comfortable with what you want to do where you don't care what others think. It's going to take a while, but you'll get there. Best of luck with your future endeavors. Hope this helps.

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