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Throat problems for 16 days now?

I have had problems with my throat/neck for the past 16 started on a trip to Disney and hasn't gotten better since...I went to the doctor but all he did was touch my throat say my lymphs were a little swollen and give me antibiotic and said he didn't know what was causing it.

Anyways my lymphs in my neck swell on and off sometimes to the point that they are so swollen I can't touch them without a very tender pain.

Also I have a really dry mouth and on and off sore throat and when my neck is swollen my saliva gets like really thick and its hard for me to swallow sometimes I can't even feel the side of my neck thats swollen when swallowing.

Also it can cause me light headaches and slight ear aches (doc said nothing looked wrong in my ears so I guess my throat swelling is connected to that)

Anyways...does any one have any idea what this is? Also my voice gets hoarse on and off depending how bad my throat swelled that day.


1. I have seen a doctor and my parents are kinda brushing it off

2. I am a virgin and have never given a ******** before jack ***

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You need to go another doctor or an emergency room right away!

    You might have anything from a strep throat, a strep infection, an ear infection, mono or even something much worse.

    Going numb is a bad sign! You need to find a doctor who will take you seriously and who will run much better tests!

    If it is an infection, especially strep or staph, it is not to be played around with! 16 days is too long to go untreated!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    ever thought about the kissing virus?

    I forget the name for it...

    give me a minute

    ah yes

    it's called mono

    Look into it

    If you have any fatigue, that might be explained as well

    you don't have to KISS someone either

    and it doesn't make you a W****

    trust me

    I was there.

    It's annoying and if you have it , well it will make sense

    Source(s): I had it before... it lasted awhile
  • 8 years ago

    Stop giving blow jobs

  • 8 years ago

    WTF are you asking use for? go see a doctor XD

    Source(s): no source
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