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Don't want to wear jeans to Disney but can't wear shorts?

I have scars on my legs from past self harm (healing and fading but not to the point where I would be comfortable walking around a theme park with shorts on)

Due to my legs I have worn jeans the last 8 times I have been to Disney...and as weird as this sounds my butt and 'you know' would be all sweaty during the day in the summer Florida heat and I always end up going to the bathroom and using wipes so I don't feel all sweaty and icky down there.

I am going for my 18th birthday but don't want to wear jeans,what are some alternatives in which my legs can stay covered but not wear jeans?


Shorts with tights sounds like a pretty good idea

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tropical weight long pants. They usually are an off white or tan color and many folks wear them in hot countries. Whenever I go to the tropics I wear them more than my shorts. I think the tights or leggings that some of the other posters mention would be uncomfortable and the light weight long pants would stand out less at the park.

  • 8 years ago

    sorry to disappoint but no matter what you wear your butt and crotch will get sweaty in the summer heat/humidity.

    i would NOT recommend tights.

    they are hot and get itchy and you will most likely get much more sweaty than you already do and due to the tightness with all the sweating you very well could get a yeast infection.

    if the scars are above your knees then wear bermuda shorts or capris.

    if it has to be something that covers your entire leg then wear light weight twill pants or even cute lounge pants.

    the looser they are the more breeze will get in them and the less you will sweat.

    Source(s): 50 trips to disney world.
  • 8 years ago

    A longer pair of Bermuda length shorts and then some knee-high funky socks could rock the "nerd" look and cover the scars.

    Otherwise I would do lightweight linen pants to get more air flow. Something like this:

  • fred
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    are capris possible? a long skirt maybe? longer shorts? i mean...if it's hot you're going to be sweaty and icky anyway so i'm not sure if there are any actual alternatives. maybe try some leggings?

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  • drip
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    tights in 90 degree weather? that sounds so hot.

    Jeans are not your only option for pants. try a pair of light weight cotton-linen, khakis pants instead of heavy weight denim

  • 8 years ago

    I would not wear leggings because I think they would be too hot. I would find some tropical wieght pants. Some Kakis would work better

  • 8 years ago

    How about lightweight long pants? They make nice pants from cotton, etc. that would be good.

  • 8 years ago

    Where shorts with stockings, or skirt with stockings... stockings let the air through easier, while tights-not as much, they are thicker.

    If your a boy, i dare you to do this. lol jkes.

    Source(s): my own common sence
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You could wear shorts and black tights underneath and see if that helps or you could wear leggings :)

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