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I lied to my best friend?

Okay neither I or my mom want to go to my best friends graduation

I do not want to go because I wouldn't even see her,she is driving with other people and then we are leaving right after and I would have to ride with her mother (who is very mean) and the rest of her family who I don't know and I would feel very uncomfortable or my mom would have to take me and attend.

My mom doesn't want to go because we don't have the gas money,she doesn't want to run into someone she is in a fight with and she does not like my friends family either.

Of course I could not tell her I hate her family so I told her we already had plans to go to a family members birthday but promised to make it up to her and have a day just me and her. But I feel bad because when I told her this she opened up to me about a bunch of stuff I didn't know so now I feel bad.

What should I do?


I love HER like a sister,but her family not so much (except her dad he is very nice) and i'd rather just celebrate with her another time just us instead of having to spend 2 hours sitting with her family and only getting to see her for 10 minutes after the graduation and even if they did go out to dinner afterwards my household is basically broke right now until the next pay day.

Update 2:

Also my mom is still kind of upset over this friend because of the way she acted at my last birthday

Update 3:

Problem is...she is not a reasonable person it isn't her fault but she has BPD and it makes her have mood swings alot.

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tell her you can't make it. The uncomfortability and stress isn't worth it to make your friend happy.

  • 8 years ago

    So being as if she's your best friend, just be honest with her. Just like the other people have been saying. It may be difficult now, but being truthful would be the easiest way of going about this problem. You can tell her exactly what you just wrote down. Tell her right now that your household has been have financial problems. And I'm positive that she's a reasonable person enough to understand whats happening. You can also explain to her how it makes you uncomfortable to be around her family. If she's being honest with you, mine as well be honest with her.

    What's the worst that can happen, right? Her telling you that she hates you and she doesn't want to be friends with you anymore. That's going a bit extreme though. You'll be fine and good luck girl!

    Source(s): Helping with friends
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Sometimes lying is the best thing to do. I know that sounds weird and probably goes against everything you've ever been taught, but its true.Sadly, this doesn't apply in this case. If you consider yourself a good friend, then just go. Keep in mind this day has nothing to do with you and your feelings, its about your friend. This is going to be the first real achievement of her life. Do you really think skipping it to avoid spending a few hours with some people you can't stand is worth it?

  • 8 years ago

    Just tell your friend that you feel uncomfortable being alone with her family the whole time and that your mom can't take you. If she really is your best friend, she wouldn't mind.

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  • 8 years ago

    I suggest you be honest with her and tell her about the financial issue that IS THE TRUTH and you needn't mention your feelings about her family. If she offers to pay than say you can't impose and ask that you celebrate privately at another time. That's what I suggest, and I hope it helps.

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