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? asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 7 years ago

What is the message in Looking For Alaska?

I recently finished the book and I loved it, but I don't really understand what the message is. Can someone explain it?

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    John Green has a blog here: where you can see an FAQ and probably ask him stuff if you want.

    But it's about misimagining (that's the word John uses) people, and how that is the most destructive thing you can do to someone. When you put someone on a pedestal, you detract from their humanity.

    Alaska is seen by her friends as larger than life, like she is a persona and not a real human being, completely untouchable. Miles is intentionally illustrated as a stark contrast to her mystery and magnetism - hence the drizzle/hurricane metaphor (which has even heavier implications since a hurricane isn't just more interesting than a drizzle, but it's destructive). The way her friends idealize her is what leads to her demise in the end, because they are so afraid to go beyond the smoke and mirrors of what she displays and no one ever gets down under her skin to understand her emotional depth.

    Source(s): Also wanted to add that the difference between the blowjob scene and he and Alaska having quiet moments is meant as commentary on how emotional intimacy is better than physical, and again drawing back to how real she is when she is vulnerable and not being falsely glorified.
  • 7 years ago

    What do you think the message is, and then let's discuss what we think!

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