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  • Conceptual Art Assignment ideas?

    For my drawing and painting class midterm, I have to do a conceptual art piece on the phrase "learning to fly". Any ideas?

    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration4 years ago
  • Questions about the 90s?

    So for school I have to do a project on pop culture of the 90s. (I was born in 2001, btw) I'm a big Leonardo DiCaprio fan, so I know that he was really popular in the 90s, can you elaborate on that? Also, which movies, song, and TV shows were popular in the 90s. Who were the biggest celebrities and heartthrobs of the 90s? Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Fun Poll for Leonardo DiCaprio fans!?

    I was bored so I made this poll for all Leonardo DiCaprio fans

    Q1: Favorite Leo movie? Why?

    Q2: Least favorite Leo movie? Why?

    Q3: Favorite Leo performance?

    Q4: Saddest movie death of his?

    Q5: What movie do you think he was the best-looking in?

    Q6: What movie do you think he was the worst-looking in?

    Q7: How many Leo movies have you seen?

    Q8: Young Leo or Current Leo? Who do you think is better-looking?

    Q9: Favorite gf of his?

    Q10: Who do you ship Leo with?

    Q11: Best accent Leo has done?

    Q12: Favorite physical trait of Leo's?

    Q13: Favorite personality trait of Leo's?

    Q14: Least favorite thing about Leo?

    Q15: Excited for The Revenant?

    My answers:

    1. Titanic! I love sad, romantic movies! But CMIYC is a super-close second

    2. Total Eclipse or J. Edgar. Total Eclipse cause it was super confusing, and J. Edgar cause it was SO BORING! I'm also not the biggest fan of Body of Lies

    3. WEGG! He was amazing as Arnie!

    4. Jack Dawson, duh

    5. Romeo+Juliet or The Beach :D

    6. J. Edgar, definitely

    7. I've seen them all! Except The 11th Hour, The Foot Shooting Party, and Hubble 3D

    8. Omigod, young Leo was flawless. But current Leo is still super hot

    9. Idk, I guess He and Giselle were cute

    10. Kate Winslet, like everyone XD

    11. His accent in Blood Diamond, for sure

    12. Those blue eyes...

    13. He is so kind to the earth!

    14. This man is perfect! I guess his model dating, though

    15. Yes! From what I've heard, it sounds kinda boring, but it has a great cast director so I'm sure it'll be great!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • My best friend ditching me?

    I have been best friends with my best friend for over 7 years. However, since the begging of this school year, it seems like she's ditching me for her more popular friends. She never talks to me when they are around (the only words she says to me are "hi" when we see each other in the halls.), she doesn't really invite me over to her house anymore!

    The thing is though, when we are alone, it's just like the old times. But, when we are in school or around her other new friends, it's like I don't exist!

    I honestly don't think she knows what she's doing, so what should I do?!

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • What's the big deal about Jennifer Lawrence?!?

    I've seen Catching Fire and the Hunger Games, and Jennifer Lawrence plays Katniss in both of them. Everyone's like "I LOVE JENNIFER LAWRENCE!" except, I don't really see what so great about her. Sure, she's a good actress, but I bet if any other actress played Katniss, everyone would be like "I LOVE *insert actor's name here*!" just because she's in the Hunger Games.

    Is Jennifer Lawrence really that great of an actor, or do people just like her because she plays the main character in a popular book/movie series??

    8 AnswersCelebrities7 years ago
  • Why do people still believe in God? (LONGISH DESCP.)?

    Okay, so I'm a 13 year old atheist. I've been one since I was 10. My parents basically raised my brother and I as non-believers because they are scientists and believe in evolution and all that.

    I have nothing wrong against people who believe in God. Most of them are very nice people. But, what I don't get is how they think that one person (or super person) created the whole world 6000 years ago. I mean, how many times has the Bible been wrong? The Earth is not the center of the universe and evolution happened. Like, do all God-believers think that the Big Bang never happened, and that there is some supernatural force is watching over you, and listening to your prayers.

    I'm not trying offend anyone's religion at all. I think that people have the right to think whatever they want, but I'm just wondering how people still trust in the God and the Bible when there have been so many scientific studies about things that the Bible said that one thing happened one way, but the study said that the same thing happened another way. (For example, evolution.)

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What is the message in Looking For Alaska?

    I recently finished the book and I loved it, but I don't really understand what the message is. Can someone explain it?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Does anyone actually like The Wanted or Miley Cyrus?

    I'm just wondering if anyone actually likes The Wanted or Miley Cyrus.


    7 AnswersSinging7 years ago
  • Why does my dad get so mad over the smallest things?

    My dad gets mad other the smallest things imaginable! It's SO annoying! He always yells at me for stupid reasons.

    Like today, for example, I didn't close the door in the basement leading upstairs, and he go SO mad! He like, yelled at me for a full minute.

    Another time was when I was eating sushi today, and my dad wanted to try some, but he never said, "I would like to try some so save some for me." and when I ate it all, he got really mad and yelled at me and started screaming at me at the top of his lungs.

    My mom doesn't really care what he does, because she says that "he will never change because he is too old." WHY DOES HE DO THIS!?!??!

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Science Homework: BUTANE?

    I'm doing a science project on butane and I need to research these questions. These are the only ones left I need to find.

    What is the viscosity of butane?

    What is the physical state of butane?

    Yes or no questions:

    Skin sensitization?

    Respiratory sensitization?


    2 AnswersChemistry8 years ago
  • Cheerleading Questions!?

    I want to make the middle school cheerleading team. I've never done cheerleading before but I've done dance for 9 years and I'm super flexible. (I can do splits and high kicks and stuff like that) I can do a cartwheel but nothing else. What else will they ask me to do at a middle school cheer squad tryout? I will be up against other girls who have done cheerleading before. The tryout is in like June but I want to be prepared, do you think I'll make it?

    3 AnswersOther - Sports9 years ago

    My family and I went to the UK and Ireland a few last summer and now I love erverything British. I am still confused with some of the words though so can you please translate them to American words or descripe them as best you can? Thanks!

    What does "chap" mean?

    What does it mean when someone says "Are you taking the mickey?" (i got this one from Harry Potter)

    What type of food is a kipper?

    What type of food is a treacle tart?

    What does "plait" mean? (ex. She had a long plait down her back)

    What exactly are nandos?

    What does "Bob's your uncle" mean?

    What exactly are "knickers"?

    What are "dugarees?"

    What is a "Babygro?"

    What exactly does it mean "It's time for tea!" (Does it mean like dinner or like actully drinking tea time?"

    When you say "pudding" does it mean the food or like a dessert?

    What does it mean when Hagrid syas "Budge up there you great lump." and "Well, some say Hufflepuff's are alot 'o duffers"

    When you say "toilet" i know you mean bathroom so what do you call the actual toilet?

    Can you sometimes not understand what Americans are saying?

    5 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • What would happen if a herbivore ate meat and vise versa?

    I was just wondering what would happen if a herbivore ate meat and what would happen if a carnivore ate plants

    BQ: Can animals be cannibals?

    4 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • Why do people hate One Direction adn get hate for liking them?!?!?

    Okay so why do people hate them so much and why do I get hate for liking them. My got a low rating because I said i liked them. I mean, your free to like whatever kind of music you like, right?

    7 AnswersCelebrities9 years ago
  • What does this guinea pig noise mean?

    My guinea pigs are making a weird noise. They are rubbing their front and bottom teeth together to make a scratching noise. I know they already naw their teeth down enough so what does that noise mean?

    6 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • Should I stay her friend...?

    Okay, so I have a friend who has been my friend since 2nd grade. School hasn't started yet so idk if I should wait it out or say "your not my friend anymore"

    This frienamie is not exactly the nicest girl on the plant. She flirts w/ al the boys even though he already has a bf. she turns everything into something dirty I'll give u the pros and cons of her:

    Pros: gives us free food, sometimes nice, fun to play w/

    Cons: Mean, doesn't care babies are starving, doesn't talk out fights, can't take a joke, doesn't care when ppl get hurt, wait for ppl to stop being mad at her rather than apologize, lies, brags,

    Should I stay her friend or see what she like in the start of school and then decide? Help!

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • One Directioner opinion questions for fans AND haters?

    If you are a directioner (like me) answer these questions:

    1. Who is your favorite and why?

    2. Who do you think has the best voice?

    3. Who do you think is the hottest?

    4. What is your favorite song by them?

    5. What are your favorite quotes by them?

    6. Using one word how do you describe each member?

    If you don't like One Direction then Answer these:

    1. Why don't you like One Direction?

    2. Is there one member you hate in particular? Why?

    3. JB or 1D?

    4. Is there ANYTHING you like about them?

    5. What would you REALLY say if you saw them on the street?

    6. Which boy band is your favorite?

    7. What do you like to listen to nowadays?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago