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Should I stay her friend...?

Okay, so I have a friend who has been my friend since 2nd grade. School hasn't started yet so idk if I should wait it out or say "your not my friend anymore"

This frienamie is not exactly the nicest girl on the plant. She flirts w/ al the boys even though he already has a bf. she turns everything into something dirty I'll give u the pros and cons of her:

Pros: gives us free food, sometimes nice, fun to play w/

Cons: Mean, doesn't care babies are starving, doesn't talk out fights, can't take a joke, doesn't care when ppl get hurt, wait for ppl to stop being mad at her rather than apologize, lies, brags,

Should I stay her friend or see what she like in the start of school and then decide? Help!

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i think you should see if she's changed. if she stays the same/gets worse, i would just ditch her unless you really want to stay friends.

    Source(s): me
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