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One Directioner opinion questions for fans AND haters?

If you are a directioner (like me) answer these questions:

1. Who is your favorite and why?

2. Who do you think has the best voice?

3. Who do you think is the hottest?

4. What is your favorite song by them?

5. What are your favorite quotes by them?

6. Using one word how do you describe each member?

If you don't like One Direction then Answer these:

1. Why don't you like One Direction?

2. Is there one member you hate in particular? Why?

3. JB or 1D?

4. Is there ANYTHING you like about them?

5. What would you REALLY say if you saw them on the street?

6. Which boy band is your favorite?

7. What do you like to listen to nowadays?

11 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a an of One Direction, but I don't call myself a directioner because that sounds stupid no offense..

    1. Who is your favorite and why? Harry! He is just sooo sweet and funny and adorable and he has an amazing voice(like them all)

    2. Who do you think has the best voice? I think Louis' voice kind of sounds like a girl(no offense) but he's still very talented.

    3. Who do you think is the hottest? Louis! But I like Harry more<3

    4. What is your favorite song by them? More than this

    5. What are your favorite quotes by them? "I've always wanted to be one of those people who didn't really care much about what people thought about them...but I just don't think I am"- Harry Styles

    6. Using one word how do you describe each member?

    niall: cute

    liam: smart

    Harry: unique

    zayn: down-to-earth

    louis: sweet

  • A
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I'm a directioner :)

    1. My favorite is Louis, because he's funny, and he always makes me laugh. I watch videos of him when I'm depressed and he's just dang funny :) He's good looking, of course, just like the others, and I like his bubbly personality. He gets serious at times, when needed, and he's always cracking jokes, and that's like me. Of course I don't take everything as a joke, but come on live a little, lol.

    2. I think Zayn has the best voice, but if you're looking for a strong voice, it's Harry. But Zayn can hit the high notes, so its a tie :D Of course, Liam's voice is good too, but it's low, so almost everyone can do it? But don't get me wrong, his voice is really good :)

    3. I think the hottest is Zayn or harry... Gosh it's always a tie between them. But Harry is who I think the hottest and Zayn comes in close. I love his green eyes and dimples, he's hot :) But if I have to pick the cutest it's Niall :) I love his teeth and I hate how he's inseure about it.

    4. Moments :) That song especially Louis' part is so emotional, and I love it, it's well written, of ourse Ed wrote it, but they sang it perfectly <3

    5. 'Enjoy the roller coaster that is life'

    6. Harry - Flirt

    Liam - Sensible

    Louis- Funny

    Niall - Carefree

    Zayn - Mysterious

    I'm not a directionater, but I'll answer it.

    1. I think they don't like 1D because they're everywhere? I love that, but sometimes they said it gets in their space?

    2. ... Only directionaters can answer that question.

    3. If they're directionaters, they must hate 1D, so they'd pick Justin Bieber





    Lol can't answer those, I'd have a way diff answer since I'm a directioner lol

  • 1. Why don't you like One Direction? I just got bored with them EASILY!

    2. Is there one member you hate in particular? Why? No

    3. JB or 1D? 1D

    4. Is there ANYTHING you like about them? Niall<3

    5. What would you REALLY say if you saw them on the street? Ignore them

    6. Which boy band is your favorite? I don't have one

    7. What do you like to listen to nowadays? Asking Alexandria, Catching Your Clouds, Blink-182, Blood on the Dance Floor, Black Veil Brides, Falling in Reverse, etc. And most indie music.

  • 9 years ago

    1. Niall because he has a bubbley fun personaliity and is hot.

    Liam because he seems friendly and fun loving, but can also be more serious when need be. And he's hot

    2. I think they all have fabulous voices for different reasons

    3. This one's hard! Niall has a cute boyish charm, while Liam has just the opposite; mature sexiness! And then there's the whole accents issue to take into account. I'm gonna say Liam.

    4. Stand Up

    5. Louis: I'm a song!

    Zayn: All night. DJ Malik. DJ Malik.

    Harry: Vas happening mum, vas happening mick?

    Niall: I'm a big fat idiot!

    Liam: For the next shot, why don't you just dive off?

    6: Louis: Crazy

    Zayn: Serious

    Harry: Adorable

    Liam: Sexy

    Niall: Irish. 'nuff said

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  • 9 years ago

    hello i am a HUGE directioner and i am meeting them with my band so i am very excited :D

    1. Nialler he is adorable and it seems like i have a lot on common with him :)

    2. Once again Niall has the best voice but it sucks cuz he doesn't have many solos

    3. Niall is the hottest

    4. My favorite song is One Thing and More Than This

    5. Niall's quote when he says "life is short, eat dessert first" :D

    6. Harry: Cheeky Louis: Hilarious (lol "No!" Jimmy protested) Zayn: tatoos (im not zayn's biggest fan) Liam: sweet Niall: AMAZING

  • 9 years ago

    1. I don't have a favorite, I love them all :)

    2. They all sing amazing but I really love Niall and Louis' voices.

    3. They're all pretty sexy(:

    4. Love them all, but I would have to pick Same Mistakes.

    5. My favorite quote was said by Zayn. He said "Just close your eyes and enjoy the rollercoaster that is life."

    6. Niall: Perfect

    Liam: Sweet

    Louis: Hilarious

    Harry: Open

    Zayn: Mysterious

  • .
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    1. I don't have a favorite..but I like Harry a little more so...Harry:)

    2. All of them have great voices

    3.All 5

    4. More than this ❤

    5.“Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain” "Simple but affective"

    6.Funny :P

    Source(s): Love 1D a lot!! DIRECTIONER!:) xx
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm a bit a 1D fan, not a Directioner. So I think I'll answer the second category:

    1. I don't hate them. I just like them, but not that much.

    2. No.

    3. Justin Bieber <3

    4. I like their British accent.

    5. Nothing. Maybe just an autograph, but I won't drool.

    6. I kind of like Hedley, but that's it.

    7. Justin Bieber, Norah Jones, Taylor Swift, Carly Rae Jepsen, etc.


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't like one direction.

    1.Because I think they're overrated, especially for a manufactured boy band. I mean they're OK, but they're lyrics are awful, and they don't even write them! Also Directioners are WAY too obsessed. Some even broke friends with me because I didn't like one direction, imagine! I could go on all day...

    2. No, I don't even know anything about any of them!! :)

    3. Niether.

    4. No.

    5. I would tell them I didn't like their music and why. I really would.

    6. I don't like boy bands. I only like MAN bands, lol :)

    7. Mostly emo music, but also screamo a LOT of genres of rock (especially punk and 80's and shock) and some metal.

    Source(s): 13 year old
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i do not recognize the thanks to ask a Laker hater or a Laker fan to be unbias. of route they could have bias, it is why they're both a fan or a hater, yet to respond to your 1st question on the cons. a million con the Lakers have as we communicate's at situations they're typically disinterested. it extremely is they extremely supply up leads because they sense they can in simple terms beat the crap out of you contained in the 4th quarter to seize up. typically it become the bench that used to attempt this, yet because the bench has for the reason that been upgraded, i imagine we are able to not see this a lot. except that, the Lakers are truly a lot stacked at almost each and every position.

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