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Why do people still believe in God? (LONGISH DESCP.)?

Okay, so I'm a 13 year old atheist. I've been one since I was 10. My parents basically raised my brother and I as non-believers because they are scientists and believe in evolution and all that.

I have nothing wrong against people who believe in God. Most of them are very nice people. But, what I don't get is how they think that one person (or super person) created the whole world 6000 years ago. I mean, how many times has the Bible been wrong? The Earth is not the center of the universe and evolution happened. Like, do all God-believers think that the Big Bang never happened, and that there is some supernatural force is watching over you, and listening to your prayers.

I'm not trying offend anyone's religion at all. I think that people have the right to think whatever they want, but I'm just wondering how people still trust in the God and the Bible when there have been so many scientific studies about things that the Bible said that one thing happened one way, but the study said that the same thing happened another way. (For example, evolution.)


I'm not saying that every God-Believer doesn't believe in evolution and the the sun being the center of the universe.

Update 2:

To all those people who think I don't know anything: This is what I think is correct and I have a lot common sense. You don't have to agree with what I'm saying, I'm just asking why people still believe in God in this modern age.

Update 3:

I mean, the only proof of God's existence is a book written around 2,000 years ago.

15 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know it's hard to believe that anyone with the ability to dress themselves would still believe in magical, invisible sky-daddies.

    The thing serves them. They get a supernatural sidekick who loves them unconditionally, no matter what kind of a lying jerk they are, or what kind of a lonely loser they are. That feels good.

    They have the creator of the universe in their heads agreeing with everything they think and say, making them think they are always right, and incredibly smart.

    They have wishes granted by talking to their hands. Of course, they rarely get what they want, but they see that as a sort of scavenger hunt to try and figure out what god is trying to tell them by refusing to give them what they want. Generally they comfort themselves with the thought that it's because he has something much better in mind for them.

    They get to be a member of a club that grants them feelings of superiority by denigrating other groups...and they never have to do a thing to actually BE superior in any way. It's treating others as less worthy.

    But most of all...they get immortality. And not just immortality, but the knowledge that anyone who ever disagreed with them in this lifetime is being tortured for eternity for their temerity.

    They aren't going to give those things up without a fight....even those who clearly know that it's all bogus.

  • 7 years ago

    I was a Christian until I was 13 and the reason I took so long to lose my faith honestly was because I didn't think about my religion at all from the viewpoint of another person. One time I thought "Why do I believe my religion? What if I had been raised Muslim or Buddhist or non-religious? What would I think of Christianity then?" I began to realize that the only reason I believed was because I accepted religion without question simply because my parents told me it was true. When I ask people why they believe in God, they usually say the world is too complex to not have one. When I ask them how that led them to Christianity, they usually either say something along the lines of "I've just always been a Christian," "Because the Bible says so," (ugh the circular reasoning) or "There's evidence for Christ."

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I believe in God because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. I believe the testimony of his apostles who died defending their testimony. There are several letters from these men about the 500+ people who saw him over a period of 40 days. These people did not die horrible deaths defending a lie.

    Evolution does not answer basic questions:

    - How did matter appear from nothing.

    - How did life generate from non-life.

    - How did chlorophyll evolve, so that all food on earth originates the sun's energy.

    - Why would life evolve into higher and higher forms of energy, when all energy including the sun I burning itself out into lower and lower forms of energy.

    - What is the catalyst for the big Bang? what was the original source of energy? How could the big bang spontaneously occur from nothing.

    - If I splash paint onto the cysteine chapel for a Billion years, will it ever produce the tapestry that Michael Angelo produced. And yet we think if we mix random chemicals it will produce the sophistication of DNA and life. This is absurd. It is self evident there is an intelligence behind creation.

    Christ's death was foretold in the scriptures ahead of time, He spoke to his disciples about the timing and mode of his death, he told them he would be dead three days and be resurrect. These events really happened.

    You are 13. If Christ really did rise from the dead, then the most important question of life is, "What do I believe about Jesus Christ". Because he said there was an afterlife, and he said "no one comes to the father except through me". No not make this decision flippantly. Your parents are wrong about the existence of a creator.

  • 7 years ago

    Congratulations. There may be help for the younger generation after all. You can see the type of ignorance that inspires and sustains religion from the answers that your question provoked. Add in stupidity, mental illness, and fear, and you've got a good answer to religion's success.

  • 7 years ago

    This logic can go both ways. In their very religious way of thinking, it's, "why do atheists believe in recent studies when the Bible/Koran/Whatever tells the truth?"

  • Moi
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Because he is still there!

    And we believe him for his every word. You seem to be a science buff. But men are imperfect - and science books are written by men who make mistakes and even lie outright.

    Thats why God says

    Psa 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

    1Ti 6:20 ¶ O keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

    1Ti 6:21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Because they know him, and people who shun him are deceived by the world. If you could see things as they really are then you would see the foolishness of what you wrote. I know this to be 100% fact. Look at all the people? on here who have a bizarre desire to attack God, I wonder where they get their motivation.

  • Because the new covanant is placed into the hearts of all of Gods children before they are born giving them the instincts to seek after God forever until they find him.

  • 7 years ago

    Ask your parents if they ever cheated or lied on any kind of science test while in school. Then ask them why if they did and then ask how can they be trusted to tell you the truth about science.

    I believe in God and that Jesus is God.

  • 7 years ago

    the bible never says the sun is the center of the universe. jesus christ has come and lived and died and rose among us. his resurrection could be proven in a court of law.

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