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Fun Poll for Leonardo DiCaprio fans!?

I was bored so I made this poll for all Leonardo DiCaprio fans

Q1: Favorite Leo movie? Why?

Q2: Least favorite Leo movie? Why?

Q3: Favorite Leo performance?

Q4: Saddest movie death of his?

Q5: What movie do you think he was the best-looking in?

Q6: What movie do you think he was the worst-looking in?

Q7: How many Leo movies have you seen?

Q8: Young Leo or Current Leo? Who do you think is better-looking?

Q9: Favorite gf of his?

Q10: Who do you ship Leo with?

Q11: Best accent Leo has done?

Q12: Favorite physical trait of Leo's?

Q13: Favorite personality trait of Leo's?

Q14: Least favorite thing about Leo?

Q15: Excited for The Revenant?

My answers:

1. Titanic! I love sad, romantic movies! But CMIYC is a super-close second

2. Total Eclipse or J. Edgar. Total Eclipse cause it was super confusing, and J. Edgar cause it was SO BORING! I'm also not the biggest fan of Body of Lies

3. WEGG! He was amazing as Arnie!

4. Jack Dawson, duh

5. Romeo+Juliet or The Beach :D

6. J. Edgar, definitely

7. I've seen them all! Except The 11th Hour, The Foot Shooting Party, and Hubble 3D

8. Omigod, young Leo was flawless. But current Leo is still super hot

9. Idk, I guess He and Giselle were cute

10. Kate Winslet, like everyone XD

11. His accent in Blood Diamond, for sure

12. Those blue eyes...

13. He is so kind to the earth!

14. This man is perfect! I guess his model dating, though

15. Yes! From what I've heard, it sounds kinda boring, but it has a great cast director so I'm sure it'll be great!

6 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Blood Diamond I loved the message, action, scenery, Danny was a complex character, love Titanic still

    2. J. Edgar I thought it was boring, didn't cover lots of important social issues during that time

    3. Calvin Candie I thought this character was far from himself. He was very believable and I thought he put a lot of effort and thought into how he would portray the character. Also the real blood scene with Kerry Washington.

    4. Titanic Jack Dawson;still angry with Rose

    5. Catch me if You Can or Blood Diamond

    6. J. Edgar

    7. about 15

    8. Young Leo was sexy but I prefer early to mid thirties about 34

    9. Naomi Campbell she's a crazy ***** and theyre still friends. But I liked Giselle too, she was too much of her own women for him

    10. Rhianna since he has a crush on her. Or Beyonce after she divorces JayZ

    11. Gangs of New York

    12. His full lips esp in Man in the Iron Mask Now I love his eyes, his big hands I just love everything.

    13. Socialable and funny

    14. He's extremely private

    15. Yes

  • 7 years ago

    1.The Great Gatsby. His character was amazing.

    2.Romeo and Juliet

    3.When he had that meltdown scene in the Great Gatsby


    5.What's Eating Gilbert Grape

    6.Wolf on Wall Street

    7.mostly all of them. He's my favorite

    8.Young Leo. Teenager Leo but he still looks fine though

    9.none of them

    11. I don't know if this qualifies as an accent but when he played Arnie in What's Eating Gilbert Grape

    12.His eyes

    13.His acting. He can play anyone. Kind of like a more attractive Johnny Depp

    14. Nothing

    15. Yeah. Yeeeaahhhhh!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


    Favorite Leo movie? titanic/ romeo&juliet. Why? he was a cute kid.

    Q2: Least favorite Leo movie? the one where hes a nut in an asylum n doesnt know. Why? i just dont like it.

    Q3: Favorite Leo performance? romeo&juliet or titanic.

    Q4: Saddest movie death of his? lol r&j or titanic. AND the great gatsby. :s

    Q5: What movie do you think he was the best-looking in? uhhh...gangs of new york.

    Q6: What movie do you think he was the worst-looking in? whats eating gilberts grape.

    Q7: How many Leo movies have you seen? all of them.

    Q8: Young Leo or Current Leo? Who do you think is better-looking? current.

    Q9: Favorite gf of his? giselle. the brazillian.

    Q10: Who do you ship Leo with? what?!

    Q11: Best accent Leo has done? american.

    Q12: Favorite physical trait of Leo's? eyes, lips.

    Q13: Favorite personality trait of Leo's? hes a scorpio. :D enough said.

    Q14: Least favorite thing about Leo? he still looks like a little boy.

    Q15: Excited for The Revenant? never heard...

  • 7 years ago

    1: The Man in the Iron Mask

    2: Inception

    3: All of them

    4: Total Eclipse

    5: All of them!

    6: None of them.

    7: No idea actually.

    8: Young Leo

    9: Blake Lively

    10: Kirsten Dunst...

    11: English

    12: Eyes

    13: Enthusiasm

    14: I don't know.

    15: Yes. Only because he is in it.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 7 years ago

    Fav movie, inception

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    its funny

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