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What's the big deal about Jennifer Lawrence?!?

I've seen Catching Fire and the Hunger Games, and Jennifer Lawrence plays Katniss in both of them. Everyone's like "I LOVE JENNIFER LAWRENCE!" except, I don't really see what so great about her. Sure, she's a good actress, but I bet if any other actress played Katniss, everyone would be like "I LOVE *insert actor's name here*!" just because she's in the Hunger Games.

Is Jennifer Lawrence really that great of an actor, or do people just like her because she plays the main character in a popular book/movie series??

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I must say Hunger Games is a great movie and JENNIFER LAWRENCE played her role in a unique way. I also become a lover after seen her in that movie. You can see the movie again. But of course it should be clear and uncut screen. Then you could understand why people like jennifer. You can see the the clear and uncut movie from the below website.

  • 7 years ago

    Jennifer Lawrence has been in plenty of movies that are non-hunger games. I've seen some pre-hunger games ones that are quite good, and lately she has been in a lot of highly rated films.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Yeah pretty much. She's probably the most overrated celebrity at the moment.

    A lot of people also like her because apparently she's "relatable" because she constantly acts goofy and talks about food in pretty much every single interview.

    I don't buy it. I see right through her. I think she tries too hard to come off as "real" and "authentic" that it actually comes off as fake.

    She's the "it girl" at the moment so we'll just have to get used to it but I'll give it another year or two. Once the hype wears off, Hollywood will get sick of her just like so many of the actresses that have come before her.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Yeah she is a great actress and she has appeared in plenty of movies that are not Hunger Games, Like Silver Linings Playbook; I think she played that role so well. Maybe being Katniss has given her more fans, but I honestly loved her before she played Katniss, She is so down-to-earth and could you not love a celeb like that?!?!

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  • 7 years ago

    She's popular because while she's a great actress (and not just in the hunger games you uncultured swine), she also appears to be a really down to earth, "real" person.

    She's not afraid to say what she's thinking, or to point out how surreal it is being someone as famous as her. She promotes a healthy body image, is somewhat outspoken and is just pretty hilarious. She's not afraid to say what everyone else's thinking, but too scared to mention.

    Although I like her (simply because she's a good actress, and pretty funny), I think sometimes she does come off as a bit fake, even though she's trying to be just a bit weird. Even so, I like her. She's different and trying to make a name for herself - which she has done very successfully.

    I'm sure there's a ton of people who hate her or whatever, but at the end of the day, she's still living a better, richer, more glamorous life than those people.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Jennifer Lawrence's face during the elevator scene is awesome. Her expression when Johanna strips in front of her is just too good. She has done her role brilliantly. Go and watch the movie again!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Maybe it is because of hunger games. Sometimes, us fans can make up our dream celebrity by what role they play in a movie. And I guess her being a nice person and inspirational in that movie, people have connected with her character without really getting to know her personally. So in their own minds they see her as katniss.Really, its just character attraction. Nothing to do with her personally.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    She's an actress in a popular film series.

    That's about it.

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