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Why does my dad get so mad over the smallest things?

My dad gets mad other the smallest things imaginable! It's SO annoying! He always yells at me for stupid reasons.

Like today, for example, I didn't close the door in the basement leading upstairs, and he go SO mad! He like, yelled at me for a full minute.

Another time was when I was eating sushi today, and my dad wanted to try some, but he never said, "I would like to try some so save some for me." and when I ate it all, he got really mad and yelled at me and started screaming at me at the top of his lungs.

My mom doesn't really care what he does, because she says that "he will never change because he is too old." WHY DOES HE DO THIS!?!??!


I love my dad and I know he loves me back. He tells me everyday, it's just so annoying!

Update 2:

when he yells at me!

4 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    My dad is the exact same way. I can handle it when he yells at me but I can t stand it when he yells at my mom. As far as I know, she s never talked to him about it.

    Example of my dad s anger: He ll be making breakfast and everything will be fine and dandy and he won t have said he needs a plate or anything but if he asks my mom for a plate and it s not in his hand within five seconds he loses his mind on her! And vise versa, if she tries to get plates ready in preparation but gets too close to him, he ll yell at her for that. It s like she can never win. The outbursts only last a minute or so and then he ll be quite for a while and then it s over but I just can t take it anymore. Growing up with him, I knew there was nothing I could say or do but now I m 24 and I feel like I need to defend my mom when I come home to visit. He d never hurt her physically but after all these years, all the yelling must be taking a toll on her. A few months ago he snapped at my husband while he was trying to help my dad and for the first time ever, he actually apologized a few minutes later. I wish he d apologize to my mom like that every time.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    maybe thers something that's giving him depression like a problem at his workplace, financial problems, or something else. with depression, small things like not closing the basement door can seem to be really big because the person with depression could think that he/she who didn't close the door doesen't respect him. you seem like you respect him after reading your question. but emotions aren't really based on facts its mostly opinions so what i would do is just wait for his depression to go away, because i wouldn't be a able to change his opinions.

  • 8 years ago

    I think deep down your father loves you. I just don't think he just may be so used to having control that he can't control hisself sometimes. I think you should sit him down and tell him how you feel about him always yelling over petty things. If you're a teenager, youll be heading into college soon, so I think yall should have that talk soon!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Maybe your dad is having a really bad time and he is looking for someone to take it out on

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