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? asked in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · 7 years ago

Personal experiences with people of each zodiac sign?

Some of mine as examples

Aries- I knew an Aries guy, and he was pretty unpredictable and loved running, he also liked to ram my head into the drinking fountain at school... Ouch... Needless to say, I didn't really like him

Taurus- I had a Taurus best friend, he had a huge crush on me, but I had to break up the friendship because he was giving me stalker-y vibes..

Gemini- oh god... Where do I start, my alcoholic dad is a Gemini, so is one of my friends, AND the guy I hate the most are all Geminis

Cancer- my two best friends :) I've been mad at both of them, but they are both very different from each other

Leo- I knew a stereotypical Leo guy once... It was fun, alright

Virgo- I had a Virgo best friend before :) but on the other hand, I got death threats from another Virgo...

Scorpio- no bad experiences with Scorpios, my sisters a Scorpio and she's amazing :)

Sagittarius- I know a stereotypical Sagittarius guy, I don't like him, he bullied me for a time

Capricorn: my sign :)

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Aries-Very outgoing and a lot seem strong by the way they talk. I used to be friends with this girl, al guys feared and it was hilarious to see their reactions. But then she started to not like me after I had my first real boyfriend. And I know this guy, who likes me...I rejected him when he came by one day, now he's doing it back to me...

    Taurus- I only knew one. She was nice...but too obsessed with being a vegetarian and would explain to me why killing animals to eat is such a bad thing.

    Gemini- I have a best friend who is. But we hardly see eachother anymore since after highschool because she was sent to another state for college. She's really pretty and I hate the guys who want her because they're all assholes.

    Cancer- Gullible, but nice. I had a one night stand with one once and the next day I acted like it was nothing and he cried. I still feel terrible about it. My older sister is a cancer. She thinks she knows MORE than me just because she's older than me. Hahaha.

    Leo- Whores who are the center of the spotlight! Well I know a couple who are cool though. One of my childhood friends...we used to fight, but now that were older, we get along more.

    Virgo-I feel like some don't like me for some reason I don't know of. And a lot are pretty mainstream like Geminis. My Ex was a virgo...he was one of the nicest people I've ever met, just had some nasty comments said to me...

    Libra- I had a good friend who was one. She was so nice to me and actually wanted to talk to me. EVERYONE liked her, which made me mad. Without her, I'd be a loaner sometimes.. I wanted her to only be with me, cause everyone else in school, besides my few friends... are annoying and/or backstabbing losers.

    Scorpio-There are a couple I will never talk to again for being so rediculous, my Dad is one, and he gets mad at me a lot and assumes the worst of me, and tries to look at my texts and internet history and will sometimes mention it to me later to use against me...sometimes I hate him... My Ex's parents were both Scorpio and they were some of the nicest people I've ever met.

    Saggitarius- My BEST friend in highschool was one. She was Awesome! We met in middleschool and she said so many things that made me laugh. I had a teacher in highschool who was one and he was really cool. to the idiots that never shut up in class and think they're so funny, he's all "Why do you even TALK??" He liked making me laugh too.

    Capricorn- It's difficult for me to find other Capricorn. My twin is. sort of a better and worse version of me in ways... and once I met this Capricorn guy. He was nice to me, very nice like nobody else and understood me more and swept me off my feet when we were in bed...but then I did something that ruined both our interests for eachother.

    Aquarius- I dated one in highschool... he started looking better because of me and got fat after he dumped me. hahaha. I got rejected by one who ony wanted the popular losers, and my mom is one...She is very immature and thinks she understands everything. Her way or nothing. So I like to avoid her many times.

    Pisces- Are easy to.... and I feel like they act fake just cause they want people to like them.

    Source(s): Not trying to label anyone
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    In my personal experience ,

    Aries : They are pretty friendly despite the sterotypes , quite loyal and the best-friend-forever type though their temper is bad sometimes

    Taurus : Stubborn stubborn stubborn but are generally quite nice unless you get on their nerves

    Gemini : They gossip ALOT and are two-faced . Well i only have bad experiences with gemini so nothing nice to say about them .....

    Cancer : Never really met one before ....

    Leo : Kinda proud and egoistic but are quite generous(?)

    Virgo : I had a virgo best friend and she was quite bossy ?? They are nice to if you minus their extreme judgemental mind

    Libra : Can't really trust them with your secrets . they will spill it out .

    Scorpio : My best friend is a scorpio and she is very sweet . although she can be jealous and possesive ?

    Sag : The too honest people . I find them stubborn too ?

    Capricorn : They are okay , but too much of a workaholic and down to earth

    Aquarius : rude

    Pisces : I think they criticize a lot ? But they are sweet creatures for a best friend

    Source(s): Taurus
  • 7 years ago

    Aries: Friendly and nice(there the ones I came across anyway). One Aries guy was a jerk to me but he wasn't a jerk at all he was pretending to be a jerk.

    Taurus: Stubborn,friendly,a bit annoying,loner,private person(bascially me cause im a Taurus).

    Gemini: Very hard to make them out but some of them are nice.

    Cancer: Some are moody as hell,while others are nice.

    Leo: Stuck up,bossy,attention seeker,yet some of them I encountered were really nice.

    Virgo: Perfectionist,work-ethic,moody,too cynical.

    Libra; Charming,seductive,friendly,some are moody and have split personas more are down to earth.

    Scorpio: Mysterious,friendly.

    Sagitarius: Friendly

    Capricorn: WAY too serious.

    Aquarius: Stubborn,talkative,annoying,friendly,giddy(my brother is an Aquarius)

  • 7 years ago

    please avoid horoscopes and cetera, use ur brain, no offense, and make true judgments. there are billion of people with theses zodiacs and its absolutely impossible to link all those characteristics to all of them, i will never be true. pay attention to characteristics that you like in people and never sacrifice them. don't fallow this non sense.

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