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Are some humans adopted into God's Family; or are all humans now loved by God and are Family Members?

If "adopted" into God's by God/Jesus/Spirit, what "family" were they in before? Did Jesus really Teach any "adoption" doctrine? Were they just Paul's ideas or from other humans of old?

Thank you for all sincere answers !

Love, peace and progress in Spirit and in Father-Son Eternal Truth !

12 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know the date of my 'adoption' into the Family of God. I thought I already was 'in', having been brought up in a religious system that said those in 'our' group were the only ones likely to be saved. But I discovered that to be false, and reading what Jesus said, as in John's gospel, helped me understand what Jesus meant by being "born from above" by the Holy Spirit.

    Remember when the religious lawyer Nicodemus was told by Jesus about the need to be born from above, otherwise he could never see, let alone enter, the Kingdom of God? Nicodemus ought to have remembered Psalm 87 where non-Israelites were said by God to have been Zion born. Well, they weren't! They had been born in Babylon, or Philistia, or Tyre! Yet God said they would be recorded as born in Zion. This wasn't speaking of physical birth, but of spiritual birth. So with what Jesus said in John chapter 3.

    The Holy Spirit brings the spiritually dead to spiritual life, as with the vision of the valley of dry bones. It is a work from above, of God. And as the apostle John also explained in chapter 1 verses 12 - 13, "Yet to all who received [Jesus], who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God." Sadly, some who could realize their spiritual adoption don't exercise their RIGHT - in some cases that's because they've been told it's not for them. AiH

  • anna
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    All believers in Christ are "adopted" into God's family or "household" as the Bible says. We are told that we are given "the Spirit of adoption (ie the Holy Spirit)". We are "grafted into the Vine." Jesus did indeed say "I am the Vine, you are the branches." The people at that time were well aware of the practice of grafting branches onto a different vine. We are adopted through accepting Jesus as Saviour and Lord; after that we are of His Blood.

    Paul was not just some renegade philosopher, you know. He had been trained under Gamaliel, still one of the most famous thinkers in Jewish history. He knew Torah, and he knew Jesus personally through the Damascus encounter. I know it's a popular meme to say that "Christians follow Paul not Christ" but this posture isn't new, either. Even Paul mentions that he was glad he had only baptised a handful of believers himself, so no one could claim that he had "saved" them.

  • 7 years ago

    It is all paul's doctrines that are being followed by all churches today. The teachings of Christ of believing in the unity of God and following the Law and Commandments has taken a backseat. So where does this "adoption" start and where does it stop? The evidence clearly shows that wholesale adoptions have transformed Christianity to nothing but a cult.

  • The body of Christ or His family if you like, are those saved by the blood of Christ at the cross. In order to be a member of His family, sealed by the Holy Spirit, one must be born again by the Spirit of God.

  • 7 years ago

    We are all sons and daughters of God by creation and He cares for each one of us in infinite ways we do not even understand.

    We are also all adopted back into the family we left through sin. We can accept it or run. We still have the option of damaging ourselves.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    We were grafted into the tree...the original branches rejected God and were cut off......He allowed those few limbs to be cut off to graft in the Gentiles...and we are now part of the Tree.....But make no mistake like the natural branches who disobeyed and refused, take heed less He who grafted you in, ....also can cut you off, by your disobedience.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    once the fall of adam occured....................every man became an enemy to God. When a man realizes his eternal potential......he repents of his sin and is baptized ..and from that day on.............he is in the church of the first born......and adopted into Gods family.

    Before he is REBORN...he is an agent unto himself...and in a carnal state which is spiritual death

  • Tim
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    John 10

    14I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.

  • 7 years ago

    You are obviously a Christian so your concept of God is not what I believe. My concept of God is derived from the Torah and it's eternal teaching/covenant.

    In the Torah from Genesis forward, the Creator is presented as an incorporeal, indivisible ONE that told all Israel that God does not become a man and all Israel who were direct witness to the Divine presence and heard God did not believe God lied. They all affirmed at Sinai the same affirmation of faith that is said by believing Jews every day, Hear, O' Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is ONE.

    God is never presented in Torah as exclusive to any one people. All Israel was a direct witness to the Creator, all the nation experienced a direct connection with the Divine when all heard God give the commandments and all Israel affirmed faith in their understanding of God who is ONE.

    Within the Torah there is a narrative that tells us that all of the children of Israel present at Sinai were direct witness to the Divine Encounter.

    Our affirmation of the covenant with God was based upon our national revelation of God to the whole nation people, the Torah calls us an eternal covenant nation.

    delusionBeing witness to the presence of God was a collective experience for every single individual who were gathered together at Mt. Sinai. Standing at the base of Sinai, the entire covenant nation of Israel trembled in fear upon hearing the voice of God. Deuteronomy relates "Did ever a people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as you have heard, and live?" We are a nation striving to holiness and we connect to God through our acts of living to perfect the Creation.

    Judaism isn’t dogma that demands blind faith and then claim that this will change your life. Torah demands testing and challenging to see if something is real and true. For many people, it appears to be a slow process of growth into awareness of our connection to God, rather than some kind of overwhelming divine revelatory moment as all Israel experienced at Sinai.

    The Torah’s focus on justice and the inherent equality of all humans before God teaches that humanity's role is to work with each other and as partners with God to strive to repair and restore anything out of harmony, any and all injustice or oppression, any poverty, sickness, or imbalance in the environment.

    I hope this helps you come to understand why some people choose to believe in God despite the fact that all we have to base this upon is our own subjective experiences ( whether singly or shared with others) OR to trust in the subjective reports of others we have established that we trust to be honest. Jews believe God did not lie to us and that our Torah is a record of the Divine revelatory experience of the entire covenant nation people who affirmed their shared understanding and faith in our Creator.

    The Jewish Bible (Tanakh) tells from the beginning book to the end that the righteous of all nations (Jew or Gentile) have the capacity to connect directly to God, merit blessing and a place in the world to come.

    Moses was a great prophet, but he was not a mediator in the manner that you describe since all humans can speak with God, Abraham spoke with God and so did many other people in the Tanakh.

    Jews are demanded to be exclusive to God in worship but God is never exclusive to any one people, including the eternal covenant nation, Israel who srive to live as a light unto the nations.

    the New Testament dogma remains irrelevant to believing Jews to redefine or negate any aspect of Torah and Jesus as depicted in the New Testament is irrelevant to Jews and Judaism or my faith in God or the concept of the nature of God

    I choose to believe God did not lie to all Israel when God told us God does not become a man.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Which God?

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