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P&S: Sweating out a cold/flu...?

Is it possible?

BQ: Have you tried it?

BQ2: Do you feel better in the morning? If not, how did you feel?

My mom suggested this because I have a moderate cold or flu (not sure which) so I wanted to get some opinions and experiences. Thanks in advance to helpful answerers!

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd suggest getting some extra sleep like about 2 hours or so also drink alot of juices try this recipe if you have a juicer or just buy some carrot juice and pour in a half cup of orange juice and the juice of a lemon its pumped full of vitamin c and a lot of minerals and antioxidants which fight off colds also try taking some acidopholus I know about this stuff cause I'm allergic to a lot of antibiotics and this stuff is all organic to my friend I haven't had a cold in years

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Yes i have before, a hot lemon drink will start you sweating and an extra blanket, i always feel a bit better in the morning :)

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