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  • Songs that relate to Charlie Chaplin?

    I'm doing a report on Charlie Chaplin and I need to find three songs that relate to Charlie Chaplin and specific events in his life. I also have to play one of these songs in front of my class during my presentation, so something modern would be pretty ideal. Thanks in advance to helpful answerers!

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • What material to wear for swimming?

    My school's swim unit is coming up and I have to figure out what I'm going to use as a coverup. I found a shirt in my closet that's 85% polyester and 15% linen. Would this be a good shirt to swim in, not sticking, etc.? If not, what is a good material? I don't know if it makes a difference, but we have a saline pool, not chlorine. Thanks in advance for all helpful answers!

    2 AnswersSwimming & Diving7 years ago
  • How to remove a nasty stain from a leather bag?

    I have a leather Fossil bag. My parents dragged me to a seafood restaurant and my dad was cracking a crab leg. All of a sudden whatever the crab seasoning was splattered on my bag. I AM FREAKING OUT. I'm a total neat freak and I can't deal with any sort of discoloration on anything. How do I get this stupid stain off of my leather bag without leaving any marks?

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • Parental School Pressure!?

    How do I deal with pressure from my mom? If I get a 98 on a test, she'll ask me why I didn't get a 100. I have straight A's and she always tells me that she's confident that they will stay A's. I'm a freshman in high school and dealing with the massive adjustments and all honors classes with her constantly hovering over me. It's so stressful and I honestly don't know how to deal with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

  • Is a smoothie diet healthy and does it work?

    I think my mom's hinting at me to lose some weight, and a smoothie diet is something that I wanted to try but I never had a motivation to do it. Would it be healthy to just have a smoothie with a ton of fruits and veggies in it every day, nothing solid, for 2 weeks to a month? And would it work? Thanks to all helpful answerers.

    Also, what are some good fruit and veggie combos for the smoothies?

    23 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Will she stop trusting me?

    My mom doesn't let me wear makeup. I put on eyeliner on my waterline today while she was out because I wanted to see how I looked with it on. It looked terrible on me so I took it off. Apparently I didn't take it off well enough, because when my mom came home she asked me if I was wearing eyeliner. I said no, and she asked me again. After a few seconds I said yes and I was terrified. She told me that she was more upset that I had lied to her than the fact I was wearing eyeliner, and that if I continue to lie about little non-important things, she would stop trusting me with bigger things. I am soooo scared and I don't know how to feel. Help :(

    4 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • P&S: Sweating out a cold/flu...?

    Is it possible?

    BQ: Have you tried it?

    BQ2: Do you feel better in the morning? If not, how did you feel?

    My mom suggested this because I have a moderate cold or flu (not sure which) so I wanted to get some opinions and experiences. Thanks in advance to helpful answerers!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Did I hurt him?! Help!?

    Me and my good friend/classmate/crush-ish were talking and I called him stupid (not meant in a mean way) and he just kind of avoided me for the rest of the period (not really sure if that's true or intentional), talking with other people. I really hope I didn't hurt him... I'm so paranoid right now.

    What do you guys think?

    5 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • How to get my mom to stop being so into my grades?

    My mom constantly asks me if I have any exams or quizzes or anything that week. And when I tell her what subject it's for and when it is, she asks me the day I took it after school how it was and if I did good. Like the last exam I took I knew that I missed a question that was 2 points, and she was like "oh ok.. so that means you got a 98%?" And then the day after the exam she asks me what grade I got. And if it's any worse than the points I told her I missed, she gets really mad. I'm not a perfect student, nobody is. But even if I get straight A's and push myself to my limits she doesn't seem to get it?

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Why does Lana del Rey sound like she has a British accent sometimes?

    I'm listening to Summertime Sadness and around the part where she says "and honey, I" her voice changes DRAMATICALLY!?


    Thanks in advance :)

    3 AnswersSinging8 years ago
  • New Music Suggestions?

    I really like the styles of the following groups/singers:



    Foster The People


    Imagine Dragons basically anything that's indie-ish or pop/rock.

    and also, NON-MAINSTREAM would be great :D

    I'm so bored of the songs I have right now!

    Please help :) thank you in advance for answering!

    5 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Tiny invisible bumps under skin?

    Specifically on my right ring finger. Right under my nail in between it and the skin. I get one every ten minutes or so. I can't see them but I can feel them. I can pop them but they come back. Like i said, it's all internal. No oozing or liquid or bumps or redness or signs of any kind. What is this?! Driving me crazy!!!!

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Electro-swing song help?

    My cousin and I were listening to the radio and there was an electroswing on. It was really weird and mostly beat but every once in a while there was a guy's voice whispering something that we determined sounded like "I'm afraid of hummus" or "It's only fair to hug us". What is the name and/or artist of this song please!

    2 AnswersLyrics8 years ago
  • How to bar a door...?

    I'm going to a party with my little cousins (4 and 2) and the parents and them are coming to our house before us so the kids don't get tired. Whenever they leave our house, my room always looks like a tornado hit it. And that's when I'm there watching them. Now they're going to be at my house, and the parents don't even watch them or care about what they're doing!!! Color on the walls? Hehe! Go

    ahead! It bothers me soo much and I don't know how to stop them! HELP??!?!

    And please do remember I can't have signs or tell them.

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • How to temper chocolate..?

    At the beginning of this video the woman tells you to temper chocolate, and then she puts it on a pan and spreads it out with an offset spatula. Can someone explain exactly what she is doing and if I should let the chocolate cool and thicken, etc. Please be detailed!

    Thanks in advance!

    Here's the link:

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • I'm a soon-to-be high school freshman...?

    And I've heard awful stories about kids who have gotten their lockers broken into and their valuables stolen. I'm going to high school this year and I wanted to hear more stories about this, if it's really true. Also I'm not sure if my school allows us to take our backpacks to class with us so if you could offer some suggestions about what to do with all my stuff or lock suggestions that would be awesome. Thanks in advance! :)

    7 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • What to do with a shirt?

    My graduating class is going to Disneyland soon and we have to wear our graduation tshirt, which has everyone's name on it, etc. So a bunch of girls say that they were going to cut up the bottom and bead it or whatever. I'm not that kind of person. But when I actually got it it turned out to be huge, down to my knees, and super ugly. Soooo what do I do?! I don't have any beads and I'm not going out to spend $ for it. Assume that I can't leave the house. Any suggestions for cute things to do? I can't cut too much out because it has the school logo, names on the back, etc.?

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • I need a list of all the...?

    EOS lip balm flavors. Also, which one is your favorite and are they worth the money?

    1 AnswerMakeup8 years ago
  • Why does our society value the arts?

    I need three strong reasons for my essay. Thank you!

    Please, no hurtful, rude, or unnecessary comments.

    3 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities8 years ago