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mvmvmv asked in Beauty & StyleMakeup · 8 years ago

I need a list of all the...?

EOS lip balm flavors. Also, which one is your favorite and are they worth the money?


Ok so I know I'm going with sweet mint, but now I'm deciding between lemon and summer fruit. Can you help me out with that?!?! Pleeeease??

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Strawberry sorbet (pink), honeysuckle honeydew (green) , summer fruit (red), Lemon drop (yellow), Medicated tangerine (orange), Sweet mint (light blue) , passion fruit (purple), Watermelon(hot pink), Blueberry(light blue), vanilla (light yellow). The last 3 are from the Alice in wonderland collection.

    I like strawberry sorbet the best and I think they're totally worth the buy. They make your lips super smooth and they're completely natural!

    Hope I helped(:

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