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Parental School Pressure!?

How do I deal with pressure from my mom? If I get a 98 on a test, she'll ask me why I didn't get a 100. I have straight A's and she always tells me that she's confident that they will stay A's. I'm a freshman in high school and dealing with the massive adjustments and all honors classes with her constantly hovering over me. It's so stressful and I honestly don't know how to deal with it. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't worry - moms are like that. Try to ignore her and let the academic awards flow in (after a few honor role w/ distinction awards she'll change her outlook). In the meantime, add sports and other stress relievers like clubs to your day plan. Not only does being high school editor look good on college ap., it also is a good vent.

    Source(s): The snozzberries taste like SNOZZBERRIES!
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