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How to temper chocolate..?

At the beginning of this video the woman tells you to temper chocolate, and then she puts it on a pan and spreads it out with an offset spatula. Can someone explain exactly what she is doing and if I should let the chocolate cool and thicken, etc. Please be detailed!

Thanks in advance!

Here's the link:

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Chop your tempered chocolate into chip-sized pieces, reserving half for seeding, and melt half of it to about 115°F.

    2. Remove the melted chocolate from the heat and stir with a silicone spatula while seeding with (adding) the reserved chocolate, a bit at a time.

    3. When the chocolate has reached about 90°F, test on a knife or spoon that has been placed in the fridge.

    4. Once temper has been achieved, the chocolate can be warmed slightly (to 92°F) to make it easier to work with.

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