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Why does our society value the arts?

I need three strong reasons for my essay. Thank you!

Please, no hurtful, rude, or unnecessary comments.

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because a Art can portray a person's feeling better than words do.

    Because Art expresses and emphasizes the everyday things people see and ignore.

    Art changes peoples perspective :')

    Source(s): Art student
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Very extreme-high quality question! a million. homicide/Rape 2. Sexism & The physique image women people seem as much as 3. government - (Immigration, President, warfare, financial gadget) 4. Out of handle teenagers 5. drugs 6. pollution/international Warming i've got no longer any theory approaches to restoration them. I merely choose all the mum and dad interior the international could care approximately their teenagers, and that i choose medications were maximum effective made conceivable in therapy and each medicine mandatory to have a prescription. I wish persons could stop burning rubbish and see the cloud-like billows of smoke they are sending interior the air. i choose persons could fess as much as international warming, and that the parents could positively care sufficient approximately their teenagers to maintain far off from them from loss of life from it faster or later. I wish the coolest purchase exchange into as quickly as suitable. do no longer all of us?

  • Mare
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It's not just OUR society.....the need to create art is ingrained into the soul of humankind.

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