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How to remove a nasty stain from a leather bag?

I have a leather Fossil bag. My parents dragged me to a seafood restaurant and my dad was cracking a crab leg. All of a sudden whatever the crab seasoning was splattered on my bag. I AM FREAKING OUT. I'm a total neat freak and I can't deal with any sort of discoloration on anything. How do I get this stupid stain off of my leather bag without leaving any marks?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Contact The Handbag Spa for professional advice

    Hope this helps


  • 7 years ago

    Things you need

    Cream of tartar

    Lemon juice

    Soft cloth

    Number 2 Pencil with hard eraser


    Combine one part cream of tartar and one part lemon juice to make a stain removal paste when dealing with darker stains like blood and food. Rub the paste into the stained area and let it sit for 10 minutes before wiping the paste off with a damp rag and moisturising soap. Use a soft cloth to buff the leather dry.


    Erase the stain away with a hard eraser found on Number 2 pencils. Rub the eraser lightly on any type of leather stain. Even if this doesn't completely remove the stain, it should lighten it quite a bit without adding any wear and tear on your bag.


    Remove grease stains on leather by rubbing a dry cloth over the stain. This will help soak up the grease. Be sure not to use water on the cloth, as it could cause water stains on your bag.


    Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol to remove ink stains. Rub the alcohol over the stain, and then dry the bag with a blow dryer set to the lowest setting once the stain is removed.

    Source(s): ehow
  • Marduk
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Try Saddle Soap which is made for leather cleaning. Then treat it with Neatsfoot or Mink Oil so it will be harder to stain in the future.

  • 7 years ago

    Its a bag. Relax. Your dad didn't mean to do it. If it is that important to you, you shouldn't have brought it. Leather is very hard to clean thoroughly. Take it to a cleaner and see what they can do.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    sophisticated subject check out using yahoo or google this could help

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