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What to do with a shirt?

My graduating class is going to Disneyland soon and we have to wear our graduation tshirt, which has everyone's name on it, etc. So a bunch of girls say that they were going to cut up the bottom and bead it or whatever. I'm not that kind of person. But when I actually got it it turned out to be huge, down to my knees, and super ugly. Soooo what do I do?! I don't have any beads and I'm not going out to spend $ for it. Assume that I can't leave the house. Any suggestions for cute things to do? I can't cut too much out because it has the school logo, names on the back, etc.?

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    Here are two youtube videos I found that I hope can help you. I have been watching a lot of vids on how to upgrade some of my basic shirts. Lots more on there, not sure what look you are going for.

  • 8 years ago

    personaly i think cutting it would make it really cute but if your not tht person you dont have to do it.

    You could tuck it in all the way (might sound nerdy but trust me its not) remember to pull it you a bit so itkinda flops over your belt hoop area. if you dont like that you could tuck it in the front like this pic :

    and if its still super long in the back tuck part of the back into one of your butt pockets

    kay hope i helped :)

    Source(s): me
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Shrink it in the washing machine if its cotton. Wash it with warm water and and dry it in the dryer. Then pair it with skinny jeans and ballet flats and thats a cute and easy outfit! :P

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    you could cut the seams and tie on the side.

    tie it up front


    stud it

    bleach it

    tie dye

    or look up other ideas

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