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How to get my mom to stop being so into my grades?

My mom constantly asks me if I have any exams or quizzes or anything that week. And when I tell her what subject it's for and when it is, she asks me the day I took it after school how it was and if I did good. Like the last exam I took I knew that I missed a question that was 2 points, and she was like "oh ok.. so that means you got a 98%?" And then the day after the exam she asks me what grade I got. And if it's any worse than the points I told her I missed, she gets really mad. I'm not a perfect student, nobody is. But even if I get straight A's and push myself to my limits she doesn't seem to get it?

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    it is because she wants you to succeed.There are 2 types of people in the world, the ones who make good money and the ones who live hand to mouth.You want to make good money later on when you go to work?Then you need to become as smart as you can now.Or you'll be living in a trailer living payc check to pay check doing without a lot of things you need and want.

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