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My husband keeps going through my phone and emails ? What should I do. I told him to stop.?

Updated 13 hours ago:

And gets angry and threatens divorce If I don't let him.

11 Answers

  • Ann
    Lv 7
    26 mins ago

    Quit emailing people and shut off your phone.  People lived for thousands of years without either one.  He won't have that to gripe about any more.  Then you start going through HIS phone and his wallet every night.  Let him know how it feels.  He is a bully and is emotionally abusive.  If he starts the threats again, YOU be the one who files for divorce.  You have grounds due to his abusive nature.

  • KTJoe
    Lv 7
    3 hours ago

    What to do? leave phone out so husband can read all he likes. Remember husband is the man you said "I do too", I trust you. Next no secrets in a marriage, let it all hang out.

  • Trish
    Lv 5
    4 hours ago

    Have a conversation about trust.  I would let him until he calms down then once he seems satisfied it should stop.

  • T J
    Lv 7
    6 hours ago

    Put a password on it.

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  • 6 hours ago

    How about if you threaten HIM with divorce, if he doesn't respect your wishes and privacy. Do you have something to hide? Did you ever have an affair or something that would cause lingering mistrust and suspicion? If not, your husband may have a paranoid or controlling personality and this may be only a bit of what has been going on. I suggest counseling for the both of you.If he refuses, then you should indeed go on your own. Good luck,  

  • 7 hours ago

    Put a lock on your phone.  

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 hours ago

    Were there no warning signs of this before you got married? Or did you just close your eyes to the warning signs. The fact that he clearly distrusts you is bad enough- but thinking that getting angry and threatening divorce is a reasonable way to interact with his wife is far, far, worse. Get some counseling or get out of this marriage. 

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    8 hours ago

    i wouldnt stay with someone like that

  • 12 hours ago

    Do you likewise go though his phone and emails? 

    When and how did this start? If it's something that has been part of your relationship for a long time, then it's not unreasonable for him to question changing that.

    Not enough information here. I'd have to hear Hubby's side of this to form an opinion. 

  • Anonymous
    13 hours ago

    lock it with a password

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