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Will she stop trusting me?

My mom doesn't let me wear makeup. I put on eyeliner on my waterline today while she was out because I wanted to see how I looked with it on. It looked terrible on me so I took it off. Apparently I didn't take it off well enough, because when my mom came home she asked me if I was wearing eyeliner. I said no, and she asked me again. After a few seconds I said yes and I was terrified. She told me that she was more upset that I had lied to her than the fact I was wearing eyeliner, and that if I continue to lie about little non-important things, she would stop trusting me with bigger things. I am soooo scared and I don't know how to feel. Help :(

4 Answers

  • Knowme
    Lv 5
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    All 15 year old guys do this so do not dispair.

  • 7 years ago

    Omg this sounds so much like my mom! My mom has a thing where she gets sooo mad if i take sweets from the fridge, or ice cream, or other stuff. She calls me a thief and a liar and hates on me so much for it. I hear her talking crap behind my back to relatives and stuff, and they think i'm a delinquent or something. She treats me like a criminal who just committed a felony if she finds some wrappers lying around in my room. One time she found an ice cream popsicle wrapper under my couch and she picked it up like it was some type of illegal drug and pretty much exposed me for taking this ice cream in front of my whole family. My mom says that I can't be trusted with stuff, but she is passive aggressive. When she is in a good mood, she will let me do stuff and i have privileges or whatever. But when she is in a bad mood, omigod everything starts coming out, like how i "stole" a shitload of chocolate 3 years ago, all the candy i have eaten....

    So i would suggest getting what you can when your mom is in a good mood, even though this sounds cynical. When she is in a bad mood, she will bring up this crap, and not let you do ANYTHING. ITS SO UNIMPORTANT WHY DO MOMS CARE ABOUT THIS ****?! I would suggest apologizing about the incident, and tell her something like oh i just didnt want to upset you, i didnt mean to lie about it i just knew what i did was wrong and wanted to keep you happy. Beware after the first time you get caught though. After this, if she forgives you for this one, be prepared for hell to break loose if she catches you again. And plus, you are probably really pretty and dont need makeup. I dont wear makeup either :)

  • 7 years ago

    she's seems to think that this is a crucial part of your life where if she fails you end you'll a crack whore there is nothing fear to control your kids, just understand her and be honest ,give her a hug and tell her that you will always trust her no matter if she doesn't trust you.

  • 7 years ago

    Learn a lesson & be honest with her.

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