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mvmvmv asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 7 years ago

Is a smoothie diet healthy and does it work?

I think my mom's hinting at me to lose some weight, and a smoothie diet is something that I wanted to try but I never had a motivation to do it. Would it be healthy to just have a smoothie with a ton of fruits and veggies in it every day, nothing solid, for 2 weeks to a month? And would it work? Thanks to all helpful answerers.

Also, what are some good fruit and veggie combos for the smoothies?

23 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Well, it is something you should deeply consider.

    I would suggest eating solid food though, which would be nuts and legumes.

    UNLESS, you have a Vitamix/Blendtech

    With these blenders, you can whatever you want and it will blend. So of you have a REALLY good blender, you can throw nuts and other healthy stuff besides veggies and fruits.

    (There's our Vitamix in the picture)

    Also, I will suggest that you focus putting much more vegetables in the smoothies than fruits.

    Vegetables you can put:




    Swiss chard


    Fruits you can put:



    Green apples


    Other ingredients you can put: (Of high quality blender available)

    Algae (SPRIULINA!)

    Nuts (Almonds, Peanuts, walnuts,cashews)

    Seeds (Flax seeds, CHIA SEEDS)

    Herbs (Cilantro, parsley, ect.)

    I strongly suggest you eat solid food also. For a small example, you can eat salads with lots of nuts and fiber rich fruits.

    Eat peanut butter too

    DRINK WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    NOTE: If possible, try to make everything you eat organic, or even better, local, Like at a farmers market.

    The reason being is that pesticides used in non-organic foods can cause hormonal craziness...and some can be harmful to your health.

    Here's one sample starter smoothie:

    Basic Balance Victoria Boutenko 1 mango 1 cup kale 1 cup water Yields 1 quart

    This is difficult, and you may not have all the access, but do your best...

    What you want to do is get healthy. Then the weight with follow.

    Attachment image
  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    No it's not. You would be lacking certain nutrients. You need to change your eatimg habits instead. Don't eat a lot of processed foods. Eat as fresh as you can. Heck, if you aren't lazy you can be super healthy and cut out all processed foods and make your own bread in a bread pan and oven. Don't eat snack bars, don't drink juice and don't add sugar to things.

  • 4 years ago

    sweep your floors for 15 minutes then vacuum for 15

  • 5 years ago

    skip the soda

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 5 years ago

    drink 3 cups of green tea in 24 hours researchers say it can increase energy expenditure by 106 calories

  • 5 years ago

    strap a parachute to your back and spend 30 minutes skydiving over the volcanoes in tongariro national park new zealand

  • 5 years ago

    Eat brown rice instead of white

  • 5 years ago

    you dont have to make a three digit number your weight loss goal aim for a certain dress size or waist measurement

  • 5 years ago

    Portion size is very important even for foods that are good for you

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    share your weight loss goals with your friends and family make it a positive life change and ask for their encouragement

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