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How to bar a door...?

I'm going to a party with my little cousins (4 and 2) and the parents and them are coming to our house before us so the kids don't get tired. Whenever they leave our house, my room always looks like a tornado hit it. And that's when I'm there watching them. Now they're going to be at my house, and the parents don't even watch them or care about what they're doing!!! Color on the walls? Hehe! Go

ahead! It bothers me soo much and I don't know how to stop them! HELP??!?!

And please do remember I can't have signs or tell them.


I don't have a lock on my bedroom door.

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is ridiculous !!! Lock your bedroom door. But you would be wise to tell the parents to mind the kids or they will have to pay for the repairs. I mean it. This is inexcusable.

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