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Lv 5
? asked in PetsDogs · 7 years ago

My dog is having surgery soon?

My Labrador has a large fatty turmer on her butt well it is a size of a silver dollar but it bugs her, And I know she needs to be knocked out for this surgery we have it arragend to be done by the vet in late febuary to early march, and what I'm trying to find out is if he is going to keep her over night or do you think she will be able to come home the same day? I will be asking the day he sets a day up for this sugery.

And i know this sounds weird but I'm thinking of seeing if the vet will let me see the surgery happen, I am not scared of animal blood but I want to be there for my almost 10 year old lab. She is my world and I know she wouldn't like it if I left her again at the vet lol after her fixing she still doesn't like him lol. it has been almost 7 years ago lol.


8 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If your vet is happy she's come through the surgery and recovery fine, she's most likely going to be discharge the same day - I always got mine home the same day because not only do they recover better at home (and I am experienced) but so often vets don't have anybody on duty overnight!!

    Secondly, whether or not he'll let you watch would depend on the vet. I'd suggest it would be unlikely. I've been there during C.Sections, in Canada but the moment something went wrong I was asked to leave the room (she survived!!). I'd not worry about being there for her because once given the pre-med and then the general anaesthetic, she'll be out of it and not know whether you are there, or not. And you might find the vet/staff can concentrate on the job at hand better without an anxious owner hovering! If you trust your vet (important!), she's going to be in good hands without you being there in the room.

  • 7 years ago

    A good vet won't allow a dog to go home until completely awake from the anesthetic for at least a few hours. This is all part of the recovery period necessary to insure there won't be a problem from general anesthesia.

    If you don't trust this vet, find one that you do. At 10 years, blood work should be done before surgery to make sure everything is strong enough to stand the anesthesia, especially the heart. Don't bypass this option.

  • 7 years ago

    Easy answer is to talk to your vet. Some vets will allow the dog to go home the same day others will keep the dog overnight. Much of this depends upon the drugs used and how your dog responds to them.

    again, some vets will allow an audience (within reason) and others won't. If allowed to watch follow the staff's and vet's instruction as to what to touch, where to stand, etc. Also keep quiet during the procedure. Sometimes the vet and/or tech will explain what is going on during the procedure. Save your questions for after the procedure. Remember the vet and his staff has to concentrate on treating your dog.

    Source(s): CVT
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Your dog will almost certainly be allowed home the same day, unless the vet says otherwise.

    You can sit with her while she has her pre-med, if you ask the vet.

    I always sit with my dogs when they have the pre-med and until they so drowsy they do not even realise they are being taken away from me.

    Its highly unlikely a vet will allow you to watch the actual operation.

    But your dog will be "out of it" and will not know whether you are there or not.

    She will still be a little bit "whoozy" from the effects of the anesthetic when you take her home so don`t expect her to be very lively.It will take about 24 hours for her to recover completely. Stop worrying....she will be fine.

    Source(s): Gsd owner for 50 years. (uk)
  • 7 years ago

    It's Not major surgery so the dog will probably be able to come home the same day.

    I doubt the vet will allow you to watch the surgery. Surgery on dogs is done in a sterile environment.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Depends how the surgery goes my dog was home the same day after having a lump removed .he woke up ok from the General Anesthetic and i took him in at 7am and he was home by 5pm so it really does depend on how the surgery goes and how the dog is .

    The vet wont let you watch the surgery.

  • 7 years ago

    I'm guessing that your dog will be able to go home the same day. Minor mass removal procedures are usually that-minor. AS LONG as there are no complications, the dog is not high risk for anesthesia, and the surgery itself is not too invasive. It also depends on your vet, they all have individual preferences on patient care. I highly doubt you will be allowed to observe unless you're a student or intern, but it doesn't hurt to ask and show interest. Best of luck to you dear!

  • 7 years ago

    Just like a surgeon isn't going to let your mom into the sterile operating room, the vet is not likely to let you be there for the operation on your dog

    if you take her in early & she recovers well from anesthesia, and there are no concerns about her healing properly.. then it is likely they will let her come home-- if not the first night, then the next one

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