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Hopping to find home for some male gerbils. But love how they are so loving and friendly to me. Wish you could hold them and find out your self :D
I have a few questions about chinchillas?
I have 2 chinchillas that I got about a little over a week ago.
One is male and one is female.
Well I got them from a show breeder and my female didn't really get a long with the breeder.
But since I got them I have been putting my hand in the cage talking to them and letting them nibble on me and my female named Sunny started to jump on my arm and jump off.
So you know I never used treats because my breeder talked to me 2 weeks before I got them to not feed them to them. Because the treats are very bad for them.
So I let the Sunny on and off my arm but now she wants on my shoulder but I am really scared to let her on my shoulder because I am scared she will jump off and run away.
But today she did something strange that she has never done before. She jumped on my hand sniffed it and put all for feet on my hand and tried to like snuggle it. She kept trying to get as close as she could to my hand then she would sit there for a few minutes and do it all over.
What does this mean?
OK I also have a male named Reeses. My other question is how fast do chinchillas like people?
I have read it can take months but is it normal to have 2 chinchillas come right up to the door of the cage every day you come home. And look at you and want to be on your arms? I put my arm in the cage and either one will be on my arm even if I am just feeding and watering them.
I have held both of my chinchillas because they jumped in to my hands and sat there for a few seconds.
Thanks for the info.
1 AnswerRodents4 years agoHow do you deal with 2 dogs one which is very hyper?
3 AnswersDogs7 years agoI have 2 dogs love them dearly but?
2 AnswersDogs7 years agoDog Scared of loud noises?
I have a mutt that is scared of fire works bad. He is gun shy and loud noise shy. I am trying to brake him of being so scared of loud noises.
We have tried making him deal with the problem by bring like a gun too a room unloaded and let him sniff the gun but he just freaks out. If the gun is shot off he runs and barks from it.
He has this big problem of coming to me and pushing on my back and laying down but trying to hide. Which I know for a dog has to be a bad sign I know about dogs and the trainers I have been too haven't helped at all either. They don't use guns or fire works or any other loud noises.
One told me to take my dog outside in the middle of the noise of the fire works and make him sit on a leash and make him stay there till he calms down. This doesn't happen, he freaks out pulls till he knocks me down and then runs behind me shivering.
The second trainer told me to take my dog outside during fire works or guns being shots and make him sit and keep his mind on me by giving him treats since my dog is very food motivated. Well this worked for like 2 seconds till the noise would come and then he wouldn't even try to eat all he wants to do is run away and hide which is behind me and shivering.
The last trainer I had told me to just ignore the behavior and it would go away. Well that doesn't help either please he isn't a happy Dog during these times need help so he can be a happy dog.
6 AnswersDogs7 years agoI feel like a bad dog owner?
It has been so cold outside and i haven't been able to walk the dogs because with in minutes of being out there their feet start to freeze. they lift up their feed and try to make them warm. So I take them indoors, but I feel like a bad dog owner because they can't go for walk outside because it has been so cold. Like it hasn't even got out of the single digits for 3 weeks and at night it is like -10 or more.
I let my dogs play during the day for as long as their feet will let them. But it isn't enough. Does this sound like a bad owner because I worry about their feet and them before I would walk them?
Thanks if your rude I will just ignore your answer.
9 AnswersDogs7 years agoWhy don't People listen to the laws for cats?
We have laws in our county that cats have to be tied up just like dogs if they are outside. Why do people let their cats run free when they should be following the laws?
Why doesn't animal control do anything about this too. Our animal control is like, if you haven't caught this cat then we aren't coming out there to get the cat. But if it is a loose dog, they come out right away. Strange really. Why can't people just follow the laws for animal. We have to many strays here, more than we can handle. And there are about 3 cats with collars but they run loose. I understand people think of cats as wild like animals, but there is laws why not follow them.
My 6 cats stay indoors because I don't want them to be tied up like dogs, my dogs live indoors too. We have a tie up law too for dogs, but people don't care they let them run loose too. The other reason we have in door cats, is there are so many stray dogs, if a cat was tied up there is no hope for the cat to get away from the dog that is loose. I care for my animals, why don't some people?
Thanks for the tips on why people are so rude about the laws on animals.
3 AnswersCats7 years agoIf a stray cat came do your door would you?
Leave it outside or bring it in and let it be your kitty?
10 AnswersCats7 years agoWhy do people keep saying cats don't lick or touch you as much as dogs?
I have seen this is many answers when someone talks about a dog, or a cat, they say if you don't want to be licked or touched get a cat. Why is this?
The reason I am asking all my cats and I have 6 of them and have had 8 in the past when I was at home with my parents. All of the cats I have or had acted like my dog does, she only asks for attention in the morning or just before bed time. Other than that my dog doesn't even bother me. My cats bug me more than my 2 dogs combined. My other dog is younger and more highper but doesn't need attention like some dogs.
I have one cat, that a lot of people don't like, because he has to be on someone or licking them or getting loven. He doesn't like to be alone. He has to be in the same room with me at all times. My dogs are the same but he needs to be usually touching me, my dogs don't care as long as i'm in the house they don't care, but if I leave I have 8 loving set eyes greeting me at the door. Who ever came up with the idea that cats are indapendent are crazy, come to my house you would be covered in cat hair before dog hair lol.
1 AnswerOther - Pets7 years agoFood Aggression With my Male dog?
I have been working with my Male dog for over 3 years on food aggression, Off and on he is fine with some things and others he is a pain in the butt.
The only thing I have problems with now is bones with meat on them. I have been really aggressively been working with him lately because my husband was trying to work with him and my male dog named Titan almost bit his hand but didn't.
I have got these Beef cow knee bones that are smoked and he loves them but when he has them he gets stiff and growls won't try to bite me since I have worked with him the most.
This is what I do, I put my hand down by his bone and hold it there till he lets go of the bone and then I put my hand over the bone and then he pulls his head up and looks at me and whines, I don't let up till he totally relaxs and then he gets to have the bone again. I keep doing the same thing over and over but today I had a brake through I did what I usually do but then after he let the bone go I picked it up and protended that I was chewing on it and he whined a little I told him no and he just sat there watching me, then I put it infront of him and told him no every time he wanted to go after it, After doing this several times I asked him can i have it and he dropped it right in my hand and didn't growl. I was so happy I let him chew on it for the rest of the day with out testing him because he did what i wanted him to do.
My Question is how do I keep him from getting so aggressive with real meat, it is the only thing that trigers his food aggressiveness.
Oh so you know when he first started this out of the blue my vet told me not to mess with it and to just don't bother him. Because at that time Titan was biting the hand that fed him with everything. But I got him down to this. Please give me some tips I have nieses and Nephews that love him but I don't him to bite them on accident. Right now when they are around titan and he is eating they are not aloud to go near him till it is gone. Thanks for the tips
2 AnswersDogs7 years agoMy oldest Gerbil died yesterday?
I miss him, he was so cool, he loved to be held and loved to run in his wheel.
Do you think it was right of me to take out his friend a week before?
He was loosing weight and not eating well and wasn't running in his wheel, So I thought that maybe the younger gerbil wasn't letting him eat. So I took his friend out and he did alright but he still didn't eat, just dug in his food and back to his tube he went.
Well I know why he died. If your wondering I figure it was of old age, I got him 5 years ago and he was an adult then so i really don't know how old he was when I got him. But he was so cool. He was a Burmies color, He was one of my best breeding gerbils too :( But loved attention. He would greet me everytime i went in his cage.
I know he had a great life here. I will miss my little Cocoa.
1 AnswerRodents7 years agoIs it normal to deworm a cat and she lose her litter?
Well we got her 2 days before christmas, and we dewormed her after christmas, but the thing is we think that she was pregnant when we dewormed her, but now she is in heat. Which means that the dewomer killed the litter or she got rid of them her self.
we when to tractor supply to get the dewormer, My vet has been closed since the week before Christmas, and I don't go to any other vets around here because we have heard really bad things about the vets. So I only trust our vet. My family has been going to him for over 30 years.
Please can anyone answer me. Yes we know she might not have been pregnant too. But it doesn't make since though, she ate like she was and now she hasn't been eating hardly at all like our cats do. Strange.
3 AnswersCats7 years agoWe Saved a Kitty just before Christmas?
Well 2 days before Christmas we had a stray cat show up at our door step, skinny and very hungery. We took her in and got her dewormed and got rid of her fleas.
But the thing is we think she may be pregnant and we are trying to find out when is it too late to not get her fixed. We decided to keep her since she is only 6 months old, to young for a cat to be pregnant in our minds.
I can't call our vet because he is closed till the secound week in January. We will be getter her shots, she came around very nicely to us, and our other cats.
Thanks for the help. Oh she still has a little tummy even though we dewormed her and her belly still goes hard and is very touchy this is why we think she is pregnant. My husband has delt with a cat that has had kittens just not me. We don't know how far along she is either.
And no we will not let her have her kittens outside since it is like 0 degrees F. Outside at night and only 20 a high.
7 AnswersCats7 years agoMy dog is having surgery soon?
My Labrador has a large fatty turmer on her butt well it is a size of a silver dollar but it bugs her, And I know she needs to be knocked out for this surgery we have it arragend to be done by the vet in late febuary to early march, and what I'm trying to find out is if he is going to keep her over night or do you think she will be able to come home the same day? I will be asking the day he sets a day up for this sugery.
And i know this sounds weird but I'm thinking of seeing if the vet will let me see the surgery happen, I am not scared of animal blood but I want to be there for my almost 10 year old lab. She is my world and I know she wouldn't like it if I left her again at the vet lol after her fixing she still doesn't like him lol. it has been almost 7 years ago lol.
8 AnswersDogs7 years agoI was diginosted with Savor Bioplolar by the doctor last month?
Well I am wondering how this is really bad, because he said it is worst then having regular biopolar. But he is really worried because I also suffer from Conic Anxity and savor Depression.
And most of the part the cronic anxity and the savor depression are under control for the most part. But he is waiting for some paper work to come back on some meds that suppose to work for biopolar.
I have read about biopolar but I haven't seen anything that is really bad about it. So can you give me some ideas on how it is different from just regular to savor biopolar? Thanks for the help
1 AnswerMental Health8 years agotrying to stop or get ball Phaethon out of hibernating?
I have a 5 year old male ball Phaethon he stopped eating about a month ago but he didn't eat well enough in my option to go in to hibernation. he in my mind is to skinny please help he wont eat his gerbil that i put in there. i keep him about 90 degrees during the day and about 80 degrees at night, i know u cant force a snake to eat but would love some tips so i can fatten him up before he hibernates.
1 AnswerReptiles8 years agoDo you have a animal that is your soul mate?
Like they are part of you and they need you more than life it's self? And you feel the same.
3 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago