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Before everyone got so wound up over the comments of Pope Francis...did they stop to realize...?

...that the core of's dogma and policies if you will...are still the same. Yes, the Pope believes that we should be more focused on loving one another and helping the poor where possible. Yet, he has been on public record as saying that abortion is still unacceptable to the Church and that will never change. And, the stance on homosexuality and same-sex marriage (I personally have no dog in this fight) are still the same as well and that it goes against the teachings of the Church.

Ultimately, he is saying that it is our responsibility to take care of each other and love each other, but God will make the final call on our Judgment Day on whether we're going to be welcomed into Heaven. Makes sense to me. Yet, you have people that are calling the Pope Communist, soft, etc...because either A) They didn't bother to read or see the whole message or B) the hatred many of them already have for Catholicism (yes, there is a lot of blind, unadulterated hatred of Catholicism even from the many conservative talking heads that are evangelical Christians).

And if anyone questions...I'm an unapologetic conservative and have questions on things the Catholic Church has done or not done (such as I want priests that molested children to be held accountable and defrocked). Yet, what's wrong with loving each other and respecting one another and letting God decide what happens in eternity?


May...we have laws in place in society and for the most part you can do pretty much whatever as long as you are abiding by those laws. You can't go and kill your neighbor, that's against the law and that is pretty non-negotiable. Pope Francis is saying we need to love one another and then they will turn to God, but we still have the free will to decide how we live our life. And, there are certain laws in the eyes of God that are not negotiable either.

7 Answers

  • Misty
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I have considered it. The Pope cannot change dogma, as it is and always will be. He has not made any suggestion that he will change anything.

    Catholics always says "hate the sin love the sinner." Pope Francis is placing more emphasis on loving the sinner. Nothing wrong with that.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I currently am neither for or against the current pope, as I do not know enough about him to make an objective judgement, but I will say that some of the things I've heard come from his own mouth directly, concerns me greatly

    I've seen him quoted in a Catholic interview stating that the Church in the past has held to an " exaggerated doctrinal security "

    I find that to be a very disturbing statement

    He also comes across like a liberal politician on many of his views. He's even openly admitted to being politically correct.

    I will continue to watch him cautiously until I can make a more informed decision.

    As it stands now he comes across like a liberal. I think it's great that he's showing love and compassion to those society has marginalized. I just hope he's not doing it at the expense of biblical truth.

    If you show love, kindness and compassion towards individuals ( And we should place great importance on doing that ) without biblical truth, you're nothing more than a humanist.

    That's not Christianity, that's humanism.

  • 7 years ago

    Yes, of course. The Pope has not said anything that was not already part of the official teaching of the Church. He is just taking a different approach, and placing greater emphasis on certain aspects of that teaching.

  • 7 years ago

    Because we can't really live that way. We need to have laws in place, and people need to have rights and have them protected. It's history of humanity that freedom is hard to come, including from the Church. I don't believe in an eternity where God chooses who is good. If you are saying that homosexuals and others will go to hell, that's wrong. Why would you agree and worship with such people?

  • Jim
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Christianity is the pagan religion in Rev. 17:5 Babylon the mother of whores!

    You can know for sure that Christians are pagan because they worship a man named Jesus as a god!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The pope criticized the wide spread between the haves and have nots. If you were a wealthy radio or TV commentator, that might make you uncomfortable too. So they call him a Marxist.

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Did you stop to realize that the vast majority of the world doesn't *care* what some delusional, celibate cleric in a funny hat says about anything?

    Apparently not.

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