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Lv 7
? asked in Cars & TransportationCar Audio · 7 years ago

2008 Chevy Silverado.?

A 2008 Silverado has six speakers with all working fine.?

Then five quit instantly leaving only the right rear speaker working. Then they come back on, go off, come on, go off. One comes on, goes off etc. Through all this the right rear continues to work. The dealer and radio shops say it is the speakers. I do not believe 5 of 6 would quit at once. I do not believe a bad speaker would come on and go off etc. What is it? Standard radio, nothing special. Does it have an amplifier somewhere that is messed up? How to fix it. Thanks for intelligent answers.

3 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In newer gm rides their are many other functions running threw the same harness as your head unit, It may be a bad ground or like you are thinking the speaker's are running off a factory external amplifier but the car dealer would know if the car's equip with an external amp just from the ID from the truck. Im with ya on bad speakers die for good so it's bad ground/ bad external amp/ or the internal amp in the stereo is crapping out heating up maybe and shutting down GM ride's are a ***** because there are so many other functions in the same wiring harness.

    Source(s): installer
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Hello anotherredman,

    I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing a concern with your Silverado’s speakers. If you would like any assistance working with the dealership in regard to this concern, please feel free to email at with “ATTN GREG” in the subject line so that it gets delivered straight to me. I would need your name, contact info, VIN, mileage, and dealership you have been working with. Thank you very much for your time. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Gregory W.

    GM Customer Care

  • 7 years ago

    Kick *** ride you got bromigo. I'd say it's a voltage m.alfunction most likely. Good luck & god bless

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