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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 7 years ago

Why do feminists and its supporters alike still claim that women get paid less for the same job???

I never understood this, even when its been proven that women don't make less money than men for the same job, they can't figure this out yet we're suppose to believe them when they claim women are being "oppressed?"

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I fail to see why this nonsense is even still discussed - since it is blatantly untrue.

    You get what you EARN, an issue that is created of many factors and not just a wage rate. You want more - EARN more - make the decisions that will enable you to do so - and stop demanding that you be handed what others are struggling to get at all.

    Nonsensical discussion of 'graduates earning less' is so general nobody can be for real in considering it.

  • 7 years ago


    Wage Gap Myth Exposed -- By Feminists

    If you believe women suffer systemic wage discrimination, read the new American Association of University Women (AAUW) study Graduating to a Pay Gap. Bypass the verbal sleights of hand and take a hard look at the numbers. Women are close to achieving the goal of equal pay for equal work. They may be there already.

    How many times have you heard that, for the same work, women receive 77 cents for every dollar a man earns? This alleged unfairness is the basis for the annual Equal Pay Day observed each year about mid-April to symbolize how far into the current year women have to work to catch up with men's earnings from the previous year. If the AAUW is right, Equal Pay Day will now have to be moved to early January.

    The AAUW has now joined ranks with serious economists who find that when you control for relevant differences between men and women (occupations, college majors, length of time in workplace) the wage gap narrows to the point of vanishing. The 23-cent gap is simply the average difference between the earnings of men and women employed "full time." What is important is the "adjusted" wage gap-the figure that controls for all the relevant variables. That is what the new AAUW study explores.

    The AAUW researchers looked at male and female college graduates one year after graduation. After controlling for several relevant factors (though some were left out, as we shall see), they found that the wage gap narrowed to only 6.6 cents. How much of that is attributable to discrimination? As AAUW spokesperson Lisa Maatz candidly said in an NPR interview, "We are still trying to figure that out."

  • 7 years ago

    In the U.S. most people don't know we already have equal pay for equal work legislation. (Equal Pay Act). By keeping that quiet and by misrepresenting the pay gap to get the general public to believe women get paid less, they hope to push new legislation that in actuality forces employers to pay women equally for different, lesser work. Propagating this myth also helps them with their desire to portray women in general as being discriminated against and needing help.

  • 7 years ago

    Feminists tend to look at total male income vs total female income without factoring in total number of years worked, total number of hours worked, relative negotiating ability

  • 7 years ago

    Because women in the US ARE paid about 75% of the mount paid to men for the same work.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Why do anti-feminists completely disregard the facts.

    This study clearly shows that the starting salary for graduates favours men by up to 17%. And these are graduates straight out of uni. No bs about time off for kids or anything.

  • 7 years ago

    Its still true in low level of jobs. Also its not just for women. Its also for children.

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