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Do you find that people ask leading questions, just to have their opinions validated?

I don't understand the point of asking a question on Yahoo answers, when you've already formed a strong opinion about the answer. When I answer questions I mostly answer from information that I've actually read or researched. I try not to simply state my personal opinions. But, I tend to sum up what I've read, rather than giving all the boring details of my source information.

This whole, "tell me what I already believe" notion seems very prevalent on Yahoo Answers. I've done a lot of reading on the some of the subjects that I respond to. But, people many people seem to reject answers that come directly from researched material, in favor of their own ideas, which they expressed in their original question. What do you think actually motivates people to ask these questions, if they aren't willing to entertain opposing opinions? Do they really seek the truth or are they just seeking validation, so they can win some silly argument? What are your REAL opinions. Let me have it. Agree with me or disagree with me if you must.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that some people are looking for what I call ego boosts and these people make posts like you describe consciously. I find this to be a great big waste of time for those who "ask" and those who answer. I put ask in quotes because it's not really a question if someone has specific answers they are looking for. There are people who do ask legitimate questions that people could be answering instead of boosting someone's ego. If one wants their opinions validated, then it is very likely they could find a discussion forum somewhere in the great big world of the internet that would accomplish this in a more satisfactory manner for them.

    There are also some who don't realize they are just looking for others to agree with them and when you point that out they have a "oh I didn't know I was doing that" type of reaction.

  • Rain
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Yes. They want someone to agree with them. In some cases there is some sort of triumphant "I'm right and I know it" deal going on when they pick the BA and that's a bit sickening when they are totally wrong. I still post my answers though. I keep thinking that the one who asked might not be the only one who read the answers, Google searches and such lead here too.

    There used to be tag teams of point gamers/spammers too, but I haven't seen them since I got back. (I've been afk for 7 months.) They asked seemingly valid questions and gave each other the BA to level up so that they could start spamming. That's thousands of accounts patting each others backs. Very annoying.

  • 7 years ago

    there are a lot of reasons people ask questions, and lots of ways questions can be asked. that is the beauty and annoyance of yahoo answers. i agree it can get annoying, but not enough to post a topic about.

  • 7 years ago

    yessss!!!!!!!!!!! i have now validated YOUR opinion :)

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