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  • Is it possible for a common cold to heal or improve an unrelated illness?

    I have recently been suffering from some urinary tract problems again. The Doctor said what I've heard before. "Your prostate is somewhat enlarged". But, that doesn't really explain everything. This is the second time, my symptoms suddenly changed from mild frequency, to an almost unbearable urge to go all the time and a light burning sensation every time. And this is the second time, my symptoms just as suddenly improved. My urine tests showed negative for infection both times. But, the doctors never took a sample of my prostate fluid (I don't blame them) to rule out prostatitis.

    I must add, that I have been taking a supplement combination of Pygeum, COQ10, Lecitin, cranberry concentrate for over a week, but my symptoms didn't seem to be improving very much. However, I came down with a cold a few days ago and it peaked out with a fever, which broke yesterday. Today, I suddenly feel much better. Both my cold and my urinary tract issues have greatly improved. Is it possible that my immune system was activated to fight my cold and that also improved whatever was causing my urinary tract issues? I've read studies which claim that many men have sustained longterm improvements after only 7 days of Pygeum supplements. But, it seems very coincidental that I saw no improvements, until I got this cold and my fever broke. I know this sounds crazy, but could getting a cold actually help you fight off another type of infection or inflammation?

    7 AnswersMen's Health5 years ago
  • Tips on Wake and Funeral etiquette? Can I attend only one and not the other?

    Background information: My son's Grandfather died on Wednesday morning. My son is 22 years old. My ex-wife and I have been on excellent terms for many years and her entire family always liked me very much. We were together for over 6 years. She called me in tears and asked me to wake up my son and break the terrible news to him, about his grandfather. My son was devastated. He was very close to his "Pops". He was, "beside himself", as they say. The next day, my daughter (from my first marriage) and I sent beautiful flower arrangements to my ex-wife and her mother. My ex-wife texted me and thanked me twice and we exchanged some thoughts by text, about her dad.

    The family is holding a wake/viewing on Friday and graveside services followed by a big get together at a hall on Saturday. The family is a very large and informal, communal type of family. They have not officially invited anyone to attend, but by word of mouth, they expect to see about 150- 200 people attending.

    I have to work every Friday and Saturday. Is it okay to attend just the graveside services and the after event on Saturday, without attending the viewing/wake and memorial service on Friday? Can I just show up, with my daughter, to the graveside services and then bring some food and beverages with us to the after event? I don't want to assume that because I'm very close to my son and I knew his grandfather and the family very well, that I can just do whatever I want.

    4 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago
  • Why is Dr. Strangelove currently playing in theaters?

    Did I miss something. Is this an anniversary directors cut? I just noticed it playing in two local theaters. It can't be a sequel or a remake. I would've seen some commercials. Is this any type of special edition or just the original?

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • Why don't most car makers offer the same rear axle gear ratio options for the auto vs the manual trans?

    I own a 2012 Mustang V6 auto. It's a great car, but the stock 2.73:1 gears are too high and they're more geared toward gas mileage and freeway driving vs a balance of economy and performance. I could have ordered 3.31:1 gears, as a stand alone option, but I did not want to order the car and wait for weeks for it to be shipped in, just for a the gear option.

    Ford offered the GT Mustang with either the stock 3.15 or the optional 3.55 or 3.73 gears. As far as I know, there were no gear options for GT autos, only for manuals and as I stated, the V6 could be optioned with 3.31 gears, with either trans.

    I did some research and it seems that many, if not most car manufacturers either don't offer gear option for the auto trans at all or they offer only slightly lower gears. But, for the manual trans, not only do they come standard with lower gears, but some car makers offer even lower gear options for their manual transmissions

    So, my question is this: Why are such low gears offered as options on most manual cars, but not for the autos? Obviously, it can't be because the manufacturers assume auto buyers are less concerned with performance. Otherwise why would Dodge even offer 470HP SRT Charger and Challengers with auto transmissions? And why would Chevy offer the auto trans on the SS and ZL1 Camaros? And why wouldn't they offer performance gears on these car that are very obviously performance cars, regardless of the which trans they have? The same can be said about the GT Mustang There has to be a technical/mechanical explanation vs a marketing reason.

    1 AnswerFord7 years ago
  • Do you find that people ask leading questions, just to have their opinions validated?

    I don't understand the point of asking a question on Yahoo answers, when you've already formed a strong opinion about the answer. When I answer questions I mostly answer from information that I've actually read or researched. I try not to simply state my personal opinions. But, I tend to sum up what I've read, rather than giving all the boring details of my source information.

    This whole, "tell me what I already believe" notion seems very prevalent on Yahoo Answers. I've done a lot of reading on the some of the subjects that I respond to. But, people many people seem to reject answers that come directly from researched material, in favor of their own ideas, which they expressed in their original question. What do you think actually motivates people to ask these questions, if they aren't willing to entertain opposing opinions? Do they really seek the truth or are they just seeking validation, so they can win some silly argument? What are your REAL opinions. Let me have it. Agree with me or disagree with me if you must.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Choose one: Camaro SS or Dodge Charger R/T?

    Please include your age and the reason you prefer one over the other. If you're planning on bashing American cars or Dodge or Chevy products in general, then don't bother commenting. You will only prove that you're an idiot who can't follow simple directions. I don't want to hear anything about any other cars. This is a very simple question of tastes between these two different, yet in a few ways similar models of American cars

    6 AnswersOther - Car Makes8 years ago
  • In your personal opinion, what constitutes a "Sports Dynasty"?

    I don't want to hear what some talking heads on TV think (I own a television and I have cable) and I don't care what Wikipedia says (I obviously own a computer, with internet connectivity). I'm asking you.

    Possible topics and criteria:

    Championships (required or can they just be a top team in their league or conference, like Buffalo?)

    Number of championships in a given time?

    Consecutive championships?

    Completely different coaches and roster changes. Who's dynasty is it, the team's or the franchise?

    Different requirements for different sports like Baseball, Basketball Football and Hockey?

    Which are the hardest major sports to maintain a dynasty, ranked in order.

    Can a city have their own version of a dynasty? What if their team hasn't won squat for decades and then they win several division titles and finally make it to the final Championships twice, but they win only one of them? Should the locals call that team their dynasty?

    Should fans even care about these labels or should they just be happy when unlikely teams like the SF Giants win two World Series in three seasons?

    7 AnswersBaseball8 years ago
  • Hawaii Five-0 fans: Jimi Hendrix soundtrack question?

    Please excuse my ignorance, I have only seen a few episodes of the new Five-0 series. I was just watching the end of an episode on TV and I heard a few Jimi Hendrix songs. Was this just the soundtrack for this particular episode or do they often play Hendrix music on the show? If they only used Hendrix for a single episode, was there some significance for using Hendrix on this particular episode? I didn't see the entire plot. I only caught the tail end of the show. I'm such a big Hendrix fan that I would probably start watching the show, if they made a habit of using his music on the show. As far as the show itself goes, it seems pretty decent from what little I've seen. I watched the old TV series when I was a pre-teen and a teenager, but I was only a semi-fan. One of those shows I watched because my parents watched it and we only had one color TV in the house.

    2 AnswersDrama8 years ago
  • Name some popular 1990s cocktails?

    More specifically, I'm trying to recall drinks that were either created in the 90s or became very popular in the 90s. It's obvious that shooters and tequila began to explode in the late 90s/early 2000s and every flavor of Vodka known to man has been produced since the mid 2000s. But, I'm having a hard time naming specific 90s and 2000s drinks. I know never heard of a Purple Hooter before the 90s. I read that Blow Jobs were an 80s drink but I never saw anyone drink one before the 90s. Feel free to name some 2000s drinks like Red Bull and Vodka or Tokyo Tea. The 20s through the 80s were easy to do. But, I'm kind of stumped on the 90s and 2000s. It seems like the internet has messed things up since the late 90s. There are now millions of drink recipes on line. But, they are mostly just very slight variations of older drinks, with new names and most bartenders have never heard of them. Many of them seem to exist only in cyber space. What about Irish Car Bombs? I don't remember those being around in the 80s or 90s. Brain Hemorrhage, Liquid Cocaine, Incredible Hulk, Jelly bean? I can't seem to remember when many of those drinks started to show up

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • Do you really want to see the car show guys on TV, driving $150K+ sports cars all the time?

    Yes, I know that Car and Driver and Motor Trend and others have videos of their test drives for cheaper cars available on line. But, most of those videos lack things like : production quality, head to head racing against other cast members, a sense of humor, commraderie and the competitive spirit of the TV shows. I like watching these shows, but I get the feeling I'm watching rich kids play with toys that I can never afford. Am I the only one who would like to see them test driving and discussing more cars in the $15K to $40K range? I heard one TV host say of a Suzuki, "It's a car, you would actually spend your own money on." So, if even the hosts can't spend $200K on high end sports cars, then why do they spend so much time driving them on these shows? Is this what most of the audience really wants? I'm not saying I want to see them speeding around in $17K Suzuki hatchbacks on every single episode of every car show. But, wouldn't you like to see more time devoted cars that you can actually afford, rather than watching guys sliding around the track in Ferraris and Aston Martins?

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years ago
  • When did the categorization of Heavy Metal spin completely out of control?

    I'm an older hard rock fan who grew up listening to rock music. We used the term Heavy Metal to describe blistering guitar solos and certain songs or portions of songs, that emphasized distortion, feedback, speed runs, extreme string bending, power chords or any combination of powerful guitar based rock music. There was no genre called Heavy Metal. There were no Heavy Metal bands that played Heavy Metal music. Heavy Metal was a certain type of sound and it could be played by anyone from Black Sabbath to the Allman Brothers, from Jimi Hendrix to Led Zeppelin to Deep Purple to Lynyrd Skynyrd to just about anyone who rocked hard and played in a guitar band. How did we go from this simple very simple term, to a genre that includes a billion sub genres? Why is it so important to create so many titles, labels and categories?

    Alternative metal, Black metal, Pirate Metal, Viking metal, Christian metal, Death metal, Doom metal, Drone metal, Sludge metal, Folk metal, Medieval metal, Pagan metal, Funk metal, Glam metal, Gothic metal, Grindcore, Industrial metal, Metalcore, Deathcore, Mathcore, Nu metal, Post-metal, Power metal, Progressive metal, Rap metal, Speed metal, Thrash metal, Screamo.

    Is all this really necessary? Do people really need a separate identity so badly, that they have to create all these labels, in order to define and separate themselves from other fans and musicians?

    It just strikes me as being a little bit needy for attention.

    6 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • You get compliments fairly often on your car. What kind of car is it?

    My car is a 2012 Performance White, Premium Mustang V6 with the Pony Package and dual over the top, Silver racing stripes and tinted windows. I have been a car owner for over 34 years. I have owned more than 14 different cars and this is the first time I have ever owned a car and received so many compliments on a regular basis. I have always owned either cheap clunkers or new compact commuter cars and when I was married, a new mini van. When I was 18 years old, I got a few compliments on my 1955 Chevy pickup truck. I got a few compliments from female friends, on my Mitsubishi Eclipse, when it was new, but never from strangers on the street. That is about the extent of car compliments I've received in my lifetime. Since, January of this year I have owned the Mustang and it has been a whole new experience for me. I'm very curious as to which other types of cars prompt people to lean out their windows and say things like: "That's a beautiful car, I like your car, nice car, nice Mustang." I get long looks, head nods and thumbs up fairly often as well. Please give us a general description of your car and list a few of the compliments that you get on a regular basis.

    6 AnswersFord9 years ago
  • My Daughter asked me to choose a song for us to dance to at her wedding. What do you think of my selection?

    She told me to choose whatever song I liked, for our Father Daughter dance. I like Classic Rock very much. As a rocker, the band Bread was always one of my guilty pleasures. I think they wrote some of the best lyrics, even though many of them were tear jerking, soft rock, love songs. The lyrics to this virtually unknown Bread song seem pretty perfect for this occasion. Keep in mind, my Daughter is almost 30 years old and she had several long term boyfriends before meeting this great guy, who is a couple of years older than her. Thoughts?

    0 seconds ago - 4 days left to answer.

    2 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • Two killers. One is killed by the Intended victim. Can the surviving killer be charged for partner's death?

    If so, what is this charge called? He will no doubt be charged for attempted murder and possibly several other crimes against the intended crime victim. But, I vaguely remember hearing of cases. where a criminal can sometimes be held accountable for the death of his fellow partner, if that partner gets killed, while commiting the crime. What if the partner is killed by the police? Is the surviving partner accountable for his accomplice, who dies at the hands of the police?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Poll: Will the new retro muscle cars become collectable cars?

    The Ford Mustang started the retro muscle car war in 2005. The Dodge Challenger entered the battle in 2008, followed by the Chevy Camaro in 2010. The Mustang GT now boasts 412 hp. The Camaro SS sports 426 hp and the Challenger R/T rumbles in with 376 hp. The 444 hp Mustang Boss 302 ,the 550 hp Shelby GT 500 and the 470 hp Challenger SRT8 are already here. The new 580 hp Camaro ZL1 (can we just call it a Z28?) is coming soon. We now have a full fledged American muscle car war being waged, that rivals the legendary muscle wars of the mid 1960s to the early 1970s. Do you think any of these cars will become collector's items, once the dust settles, the tires stop smoking and this latest horsepower war idles back down to earth? If so, which models will live on in the memories or muscle car collectors? Which car appeals to you the most (if any)?

    7 AnswersBuying & Selling10 years ago
  • Which color combination looks better on a Mustang?

    I plan to buy a new 2012 Mustang within the next year. I might buy a 2011 if I can find the right one. I will be driving the car to work every day. After talking to my coworker who has owned 5 Mustangs and currently owns a 2010 GT, in Kona blue. He convinced me to buy a "daily driver color". After doing a lot of reading, the top three car colors recommended for ease of maintenance, are 1. charcoal grey, 2. silver, 3. white. Charcoal grey is available on the 2011 Mustang, but not on the 2012 and it looks pretty nice, all by itself. White and silver are very bland colors. If I get a white or silver Mustang, I plan to get racing stripes, to make the car stand out more and give it more character. I figure the best color for stripes would be white or sliver, for ease of maintenance. So, the question is, which color combo stands out the best or looks the best? I don't need opinions on other car models or paint colors. Thanks!

    Silver with white stripes

    White with silver stripes

    2 AnswersFord10 years ago
  • Do you think that being gay is ever a choice?

    Or do think being gay is always something a person was born to be?

    I was repackaging some meat, which I just brought home from the grocery store, into freezer bags, when the movie, The Wrestler popped into my head. The main character was a washed up, ex star, professional wrestler, who worked in the deli department of a grocery store. I thought the movie was very good, very moving, emotional, sad and captivating. It is one of those movies that stays with you. Anyway, I thought of how the wrestler lost everything in his life, do to growing older and doing drugs and partying. He sort of cursed himself to screw up at everything in his life, except for wrestling. In the movie, he attempts to rekindle his relationship with his young, 20 something daughter, whom he barely knows. During her lifetime he was not a good Father. He was focused on living the fast and wild life and traveling all the time as a big name Pro wrestler. His daughter is extremely wary of giving him a chance and letting him into her life, since he was never there for her in the past. His daughter is a lesbian and her lover is also very wary of him coming back into her life. The movie implies that the lover has heard all about the absent father and she dislikes him instantly. There are definitely a few man hater vibes going on in the daughters house, including her own vibes. By making the daughter character a lesbian, I felt that the film implied that the daughter was a lesbian, due in part, to her father's absence, his poor example as a man and her subsequent distrust and of men. This lead me to the question of how often this kind of thing happens in real life. Women who are completely turned off from men, do to abusive men or terrible male role models in their lives. But, then I thought, if that were true, how does that idea balance with the theory that gay people are born gay and not created by their environment? I know the set up for this question was long, but what are your thoughts?

  • Is this a "Buy It Now!!" deal for a 2005 Mustang?

    Background info: I've been eyeballing the 2011 Mustang GT for a few months now. I've never really owned a "cool car", with anything more than a 200 hp, beat up engine. All of the new cars I've owned in my life, were 4 banger Japanese made commuter cars and the wimpy 4 cyl Dodge Caravan, that I owned, when I was married. I'm 50 years old and I feel like I'm way overdue for a fun, mid-life crisis type of car. I've studied the competition, like a the 370Z, Camaro, Challenger and arguably, the BMW M3. I haven't driven any of them yet, but like how the Mustang looks on paper and how it looks and sounds in videos. Unfortunately, when I crunch the numbers for a new GT, the down payment and the monthly payments look very scary, on my budget, especially since my 2004 Honda Civic runs like a top and I have zero need for a new car. Recently My ex wife, whom I have a very good relationship with, has listened to me talk about how I've done everything and given everything to my two exes and my three kids, for over 27 years and I'm ready to buy myself a new toy and do something for myself for a change.

    So, here's the deal: My ex-wife's co worker, is putting her Mother in a retirement home, because she can no longer care for her Mom by herself. When the co-worker mentioned taking her Mom's 2005 Mustang down to a dealer trade it in on a new car, my ex wife told her to wait and my ex called me up. I'm waiting for pictures and details tomorrow. Here's what I know. It's grey, it sat in the garage for the past two years. It was literally owned by a little, old, retired lady, who only drove it for 3 years. I asked if it had a V8, which would make the car a 2005 aluminum block, 300hp GT. I heard the coworker in the background. She replied, "I don't know, but it rumbles when you turn it on". So, I'm guessing that the car is a grey 2005 GT, probably with very, very low miles, probably with an automatic transmission (something that I want, after driving mostly sticks for 32 years). She wants $8,000 for the car. For all I know, it might even be a Premium package GT. If this car is what I hope it is. Do you think it's a steal? And do you think it would be a good compromise, as my fun car? I could buy this car for cash, right now, versus, paying 10 grand down and $450 something a month for 5 years, to get a new one. Your thoughts?

    3 AnswersFord1 decade ago
  • For Real James Bond Film Fans Only!?

    Which are the best, worst and so so Bond movies? Please don't answer if you've only seen the latest Daniel Craig films and a few of the Pierce Brosnan movies. There are 22 official EON productions films. They don't have to be listed in any order, mine aren't. The non EON spoof, Casino Royale 1967 does not count, but you can include the non EON, Never Say Never Again.

    Worst Bond Films:

    View to a Kill


    Die Another Day


    The World Is Not Enough

    Never Say Never Again

    Diamonds Are Forever

    The Man With The Golden Gun

    So, so Bond Films:

    On her Majesty's Secret Service (bad acting, decent story and action)

    The Living Daylights (pretty good movies, but I never quite got into T. Dalton)

    License to Kill (pretty good movies, but I never quite got into T. Dalton)

    Thunderball (good movie, but it really drags at times)

    You Only Live Twice (not bad at all, but Sean Connery disguised as a Japanese guy? umm... no.

    Live and Let Die (I love the theme song, the humor, the different characters, but it gets pretty silly)

    The Best of Bond:

    Gold Finger

    Dr No

    From Russia With Love

    Casino Royale

    Quantum of Solace


    The Spy Who Loved Me

    For Your Eyes Only (say what you will about Roger Moore, but I like his wit, humor and comedic timing. He kept the series going and he was the most distinctively British of all the Bonds)

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago