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I Require Some Assistance With Understanding The Bible?

Ok, so I know that God sent Jesus to die for our sins, but exactly how does that work? I mean, how does one die for sins? Can I sacrifice a rabbit to stop climate change? And, if he died for our sins, why can we still make them/why should we feel guilty about them. Does Jesus' act not make feeling guilty for our sins like me feeling like I'm taking advantage of Netflix for watching something despite having this month's subscription paid for? Is the whole thing made null and void by the fact that he essentially cheated, not only did he come back from death, but he also apparently was better off after, so what exactly was the downside for him?

Also, did God actually write the Bible, and if he did, why the hell are there any contradictions? It seems to me that if an all-powerful, Omnipotent God wrote a book, it would have a fairly well thought out plot line, fairly consistent, not many holes, but apparently not.

Also, if Jesus' death opened up the Kingdom of God, then what happened to everyone that died before that? Did they go to Hell, were they just sitting around in Purgatory waiting? Did God freeze them in cryo-tubes? Were Moses and Noah just sitting there in Purgatory thinking 'well this is ****, what's wrong with him why can't he just make a ******* son already'.

Also, why would God choose to make Eve out of Adam's rib? Surely there's a better source of stem cells than a bone, assuming of course he used stem cells which really makes the most sense, again though, if he was all powerful why not just make her like he did with Adam? And why is it called an Adam's apple if Eve took the first bite? Also why the hell did God let the devil into the garden of evil? You'd figure he could just stop that from happening. And why was there even a tree of knowledge in the first place if it was literally just there to not be used? Also, if the fruit gave Adam and Eve free will, then before eating it they didn't have any, so surely they shouldn't be punished for doing what the snake told them to do if they had no free will to do otherwise.

Anyway, thanks for your time.


@Archer, I'm presuming you're a Christian, who goes to Church and has a priest dictate things to him without doing actual research... would I be right?

P.S. I may be a tiny bit sarcastic. Just a little.

Update 2:

@banana, But if God is all powerful why does he need to provide a ransom. He's all powerful. That implies he can do anything, which should by all logic include absolving us of our sins without killing anyone. Also, I thought Adam was his first creation, not Jesus?

Update 3:

Ok, I'm getting the feeling that you guys don't really understand my question. I would like to be informed as to how someone dying allows someone else to repent. I don't get how Event A causes Event B.

Update 4:

Ok, but why does an all powerful God require a sacrifice? If he is all powerful, then it stands to reason that he can do it without one? Is he just bloodthirsty? Malevolent? Sadistic? Please explain to me why death is necessary to absolve us of sins, if he is truly all powerful.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jesus died so we could repent to god because we are sinners adam and eve sinned making them and the everyone after them sinners so jesus came down to earth as a perfect man and died a perfect man to balance it out so we could have hope to have our sins repented and gods kingdom is coming in the future where everyone who has faith in god and jesus will become perfect again

    Any other questions look on this website

    If you believe it or not is entirely up to you

  • 7 years ago ancient civilizations, the practice of sacrifice to appease an angry god was very common. You committed some minor religious infraction? Fine, sacrifice a dove or a goat or something. For the really BIG infractions sometimes you would sacrifice a human. So what sacrifice would you need to redeem the whole world? Only a god could be sacrificed... But the rub with Christianity is that God didn't ACTUALLY lose anything of value, so it's not even a real sacrifice. Jesus was dead for a couple of days and rejoined God in Heaven... So a few days of being dead was it? Didn't he KNOW it was only going to be a few days? Besides, we no longer accept animal sacrifices, let alone human sacrifices. I didn't ask for such a sacrifice to be made and I would consider accepting it to be partial participation. No thanks.

    Did God write the Bible. Um...let me think... No. If an omniscient and omnipotent being wrote a book, no human author could compare with it... But even contemporary works like the Homer's Odyssey are FAR superior from a literary standpoint. I would actually expect something like one of the Elder Scrolls from the video game series of the same name -- A magic scroll which exacts a price for attempting to gain too much wisdom from it and which contains not only an accurate record of past and future, but all possible pasts and futures.

    Hell and Purgatory are later Christian concepts... Sheol, the Jewish equivalent of Hades, was just the underworld where the dead slept eternally.

    Beat me... I think the whole Adam/Eve/Garden of Eden story is just allegory. If that's the case, then the rib isn't just a rib, but is symbolic of something else. Of course... If the story is just an allegory, why did Jesus need to be sacrificed for a literary device?

  • Ok, so I know that God sent Jesus to die for our sins, but exactly how does that work?

    *God made mankind perfectly and with free will to do anything they want. By mankind's own free will, they sinned against God, doing what he said not to do by being beguiled by the devil. They should not have listened to him. Since "For the life of the flesh is in the blood:" "and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul." Leviticus 17:11, Christ's perfect blood God's blood, pays for mankinds' sin.

    I mean, how does one die for sins?

    *Just told you.

    Can I sacrifice a rabbit to stop climate change?

    *Nope, because "the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you." Leviticus 11:6, and also because even if you could? The rabbit would atone for sin, not change the climate.

    Does Jesus' act not make feeling guilty for our sins like me feeling like I'm taking advantage of Netflix for watching something despite having this month's subscription paid for?

    *That's why you read the Books of Romans through Philemon in the understand the meaning of the cross. What it means, why he did it, how it effects you, how you walk in newness of life once you trust what it means.

    Is the whole thing made null and void by the fact that he essentially cheated, not only did he come back from death, but he also apparently was better off after, so what exactly was the downside for him?

    * He didn't cheat, and he's God. he can do whatever he wants, however he wants to do it. We're living in his universe.

    Also, did God actually write the Bible, and if he did, why the hell are there any contradictions?

    *Because you're not "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth" 2 Timothy 2:15. The bible is written to two audiences in 3 different time periods. Jew and Gentile. In Past, Present, and Future. Not all the instructions in the bible belong to just "one" group, living in "one" time frame. Not all of the instructions have "your" address on it.

    Also, if Jesus' death opened up the Kingdom of God, then what happened to everyone that died before that? Did they go to Hell, were they just sitting around in Purgatory waiting?

    *No they went to a place in hell called Abraham's bosom seen in Luke Chapter 16. There was a good side called "Paradise" and a bad side with flame and torment. Christ "speaks to the spirits in prison", (1 Peter 3:19) then "leads captivity captive". Whereas Christ says "today you will be with me in PARADISE" (Luke 23:43) to the thief on the cross.....later the Apostle Paul says that he knew a man caught up into PARADISE. (2 Corinthians 12:4) Paradise went from being DOWN (in Luke 16) to UP in (2 Corinthians). That's because of what God did for this group of people who died before he paid for sin.

    Also, why would God choose to make Eve out of Adam's rib?

    *You're living in God's world...he does things his way. He does whatever he wants however he wants.

    That's pretty much the same answer for the rest of your questions.

  • 7 years ago

    God didn't send Jesus to die for our sins. To allow a Son to do that is extraordinary. To send a Son to do that would be impossible for a loving God. Jesus was always a willing participant. He came down here and was born a human willingly. He went to Jerusalem knowing full well that the cross awaited Him willingly and when Peter tried to free Him in the garden He stopped him and went willingly to the cross for you and me.

    Either you are brain damaged or you are insulting to Him and what He did. I would choose brain damaged if I were you because you use the fact that you are anonamous to say ignorant things you feel you will never have to face up to. You will have to face yourself someday and if lying about your Saviour is your proudest moment your not much of a person are you? Ive done some pretty stupid things in my day but I couldn't live with myself if I were you. The pond scum you claim as your father is certainly head and shoulders above you.

    There are logical answers to all your illogical questions which you have heard many times but you continue to come on here to show your ignorance. What drives a full time loser like you?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    God's first perfect human creation - Adam and Eve - while given the opportunity to have everlasting life, lost that privilege and brought instead eventual sickness and death for all mankind.

    The only way to undo the sin of Adam - God had to provide a "ransom" - something equal to Adam to sacrifice his life so what Adam did could be undone. As no perfect human can be born for imperfect humans God had to perform a miracle and transfer the life force of his first creation, Jesus, into the womb of Mary. He was screened off from her imperfection by God's holy spirit so he could be born perfect. Then as a perfect human, Jesus could offer up his sinless life in behalf of all mankind who would exercise faith in that ransom.

  • 7 years ago

    You need a Bible try for your answers...and do not let your prejudices take over.

    Basically we have all been given free will to choose...follow Jesus' teachings or Satans'.

    So what are Satans?

    They are everything Jesus did NOT teach...

    Jesus did NOT celebrate birthdays., did not get involved in politics, did not get involved in "social programs'

    (Matthew 26:11) For YOU always have the poor with YOU, but YOU will not always have me.

    This is what Jesus asked.

    (John 13:15) For I set the pattern for YOU, that, just as I did to YOU, YOU should do also.

    (Luke 4:43) But he said to them: “Also to other cities I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth.”

    ONLY J.W;s preach the Kingdom...door to accordance with the above scriptures


    Jesus is the SON...not Almighty God himself...The two are in total agreement but that does not make them the SAME PERSONALITY /PERSON/ SPIRITUAL BEING.

    This cancels the trinity teaching...and ANY religion that promotes it.

  • 7 years ago

    The Bible says there shall be no forgivenss of sins with out shedding of blood. Before Jesus, men would sacrifice an animal, a sheep or goat. It had to be a perfect animal with no defects. The priest would pray to transfer the sin from the man to the animal and then the and animal would be killed and the sin would be forgiven. We dont sacrifice animals anymore since Jesus died because the died for the sins of the whole world. He was a perfect sacrifice because he had no sin. He was innocent, he took the sin on him and he was killed so that we could be forgiven. All we have to do to get that forgivenss is the accept what Jesus did for us and ask him to be our Lord and Savior and turn from or repent of our sin and we will be saved. If Jesus is our Lord we must follow his laws(Bible). Once we have Jesus our sins are forgiven but the Bible says that is not a license to sin, we should sin not.If we continue in our sin we are a false conversion.Thus we all have sinned and thus all need Jesus. No Jesus, no salvation. Its that simple.

    Also, Jesus was in heaven prior to being born on the earth. He left paradise to live 33 years on this earth and put up with sinful man and be tortured and crucified even though he could have called angels to save him. He was sinless so he didnt deserve his fate, he allowed it so we could be saved. But most people reject Jesus and thus their sins are not forgiven and they shall not inherit eternal life in heaven but in hell. If that sounds bad, seek Jesus, he is waiting for you and wants all to be saved but it is your choice. You choose heaven or hell by accepting or rejecting Jesus. He gives you free will to decide what you will.

    God warned Adam and Eve not to do what they did. They disobeyed. Satan was a beautiful angel but wanted to be God. God cast him out of heaven, but didnt annihilate satan. God is telling you to accept Jesus. If you disobey like Adam and Eve did, you will have the same result because of your disobedience.

    Dont do that, learn from Adam and Eves mistakes. Dont die without Jesus. Be ready if Jesus comes back.

    Get saved by praying to ask Jesus into your heart, and then follow Him

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Easy as Pi to figure out.

    If your neighbor's gog ruins your garden, you are supposed to forgive your neighbor for letting the dang dog run loose.

    That requires ONLY an act of will, only a decision.

    However, the people who made up the idea of Gods were a nasty, vicious lot.

    So they created a God in their own image, a God unable to simply CHOOSE to forgive, as an act of will.

    Their God required a sacrifice of His only actual Son.

    So, if you want to follow the instructons of Jesus, in the Bible, which include "Be thou perfect, as the Father is perfect", the ONLY way to forgive your neighbor, is to sit there doing nothing, as oneof your children is slowly and publicly tortured to death.

    Source(s): EITHER God the Father has set us an example of Perfect Forgiveness, OR the Bible was made up by some nasty people.
  • 7 years ago

    Step 1: Realize it's bullshit

    Step 2: ???

    Step 3: Profit

  • Archer
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It seems you wish others to dictate to you, to do the research that "you" should do to choose what your believe or do not believe.

    Sad, so very very sad!

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