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Why does God put us through breakups and broken hearts?

I'm a faithful christian, I love and fear God at the same time. He's my dad, my best friend, my life coach and my God. But why does he put us through crushing break ups and heart ache? He gave me my girlfriend of almost six months in my lowest period in life. I didn't need her since I was slowly recovering but she made me so happy in such a quick period of time. He gave me the signals and the go ahead saying she really is special and I went ahead and followed god on our amazing journey. But today on Christmas eve and two days away from our six month anniversary she was ripped away from me via a text message. So why is it that God does this to us? I still love God and my girlfriend but why does he do this? I've gone through more loneliness and hurt than most people can imagine and I'm only 18. I'm feeling some doubt in God right now and he knows.


If God really does plan on giving us someone better, when will it be?! I want someone who I can be happy with, I have so much physical success right now and no one to share it with.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Because God is not real. If God was real, why would he allow so many different religions? If God was real and he CREATED us how come a lot if not all organisms on this planet have evolved? Evolution can only occur if things came into existence on it's own. Take a bicycle, will it ever evolve on it's own? no it won't. Take a fly. How does a fly get into existence? By rotten food. Somehow a maggot will come into existence and out of that maggot comes a fly, which happened on it's own.

    Look at it like this. The more pain and grief you experience, the more you will appreciate the joyful moments in your life and the more you will be able to enjoy the joyful moments.

    Breakups and broken hearts are just part of life. Stop blaming a imaginative being for all that is happening. Start working on yourself and when you have peace with yourself, you'll start to accept your surroundings and you won't be vulnerable to breakups and broken hearts, because you have peace with life itself. It may sound like something that makes no sense or is nonsense to you, but try meditation.

    Source(s): My experience and paying attention to the positive and negative aspects of life to figure out what's best for me.
  • 7 years ago

    God is not a puppeteer orchestrating your life. He has not done anything to you. He is not conspiring to find you a girlfriend or take one from you. God is not a piñata that you can whack with a prayer stick to get blessings to rain out.

    There are however things to be learned from every experience. It sounds like you are having a lot of success in your life, enjoy it and thank God for it.

    Some of your verbiage indicates a lot of codependency. I'm quite sure that God would rather you depend on Him to feel whole rather than another relationship. It's possible this relationship may have become too important to you. If she is a strong godly woman she does not want to become the center of your world and seeing you worship her will not paint you as someone she should follow to be closer to God.

    As a human being you have free will. So does the girl who left you.

    She did give you a great gift though. You now have the opportunity to focus on what Christmas is all about.

  • Keith
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Then it begs the question, was the go-ahead sign really from God. Or was it my immediate satisfaction that necessitated "well this has to be God" If we let God run things in our lives, there are a lot of heartaches, that could be avoided. Because if we were trusting God, in the first place, it would not reach to the point of blaming God for my choices via trusting a human being who would (even if it were a marriage) or could eventually disappoint us. When we trust God, we do not blame him for circumstances that we are in control of. I am a married Christian and events in my relationship, are dictated by how much trust I put in God and how much trust I put in flesh (or the other person). When things go bad, then instead of blaming God, my response should be dissecting of the past six months, and identifying, how much was of God and how much was the flesh and how this can be avoided in the future and what has been learnt. God bless You

    Source(s): The Bible KJV
  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I'm truly sorry you lost your girlfriend, but let be clear, God did not take you Girlfriend. What would God have anything to do with your girlfriend. Did God take Eve away from Adam? No because God gave Eve as a wife to his son.

    Lets also remember your gf along with the rest of the world has free will and she is exercising that. Ex. Genesis 3:5, 2 Peter 2:4

    And would you really want a girl who is going to break up with you with text message? Seriously? That's cold!

    But your question can go a little deeper about God allowing suffering to envelope the earth. Why would he do that?

    All christains will find this interesting.

    Keep your head up. There are always more fish in the sea.

  • 7 years ago

    I read something really cute the other day. "God only answers in 3 ways: yes, I have something better in mind, or it will soon come." That wasn't the exact quote but I got the right idea. God gave you her so that you'd feel happy and better. He "took her away" so that you have something else to look forward to. There will be some other girl that's going to make you feel the way that your ex did, but better. Or he'll say, no. I have something better in mind and get you to be a priest. Ya feel? I hope that you will feel better and get over this because it's not the end of the world. He had something planned for you, so you just have to get up. Move on. And go with the flow. Happy holidays❤️ And rejoice for He is coming.

  • 7 years ago

    Why does God put us through breakups and broken hearts?

    ~~~ “Suffering is a gift. In it is hidden mercy.”

    ― Rumi

    “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

    --- Rumi

    "I say that next to God there is no nobler thing than suffering. Right suffering is the mother of all virtues, for right suffering so subdues the heart, it cannot rise to pride but perforce is lowly." - Meister Eckhart

    "Harkee, all rational souls! The swiftest steed to bear you to your goal is suffering; none shall ever taste eternal bliss but those who stand with Christ in depths of bitterness. Nothing is more gall-bitter than suffering, nothing so honey-sweet as to have suffered. The most sure foundation for this perfection is humility, for he whose nature here creeps in deepest depths shall soar in spirit to highest height of Deity.' - Meister Eckhart

    "Only a Breaking Heart can Love!" - n

  • Mackey
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Because you are a faithful Christian. God does not want the faithful, he wants intellectuals.

  • Le Sacré-Cœur de Jésus (耶穌聖心)... avec ces versets de Jérémie 24:7; 2 Chroniques 6:37; Ézéchiel 11:19; Ézéchiel 18:31; 2 Corinthiens 3:3 de la bible ...

    Source(s): Je suis cet athée saint de Montmarte, Paris ....
  • 7 years ago

    Because God gives tough battles to his toughest soldiers.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    For each good.. there is a corrresponding bad.... else how would you be able to tell the difference.. and as they say..... each life experience makes you stronger...... life is a series of bumps... potholes... and detours.... try to enjoy the ride..

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