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No disk found error sims 3?? 10 points?

So for Christmas I got the expansion bundle (world adventures and generations) and also University life expansion pack. I had already previously purchased the sims 3 and sims seasons.

So I installed all three of my expansion packs and when I put the disk in for world adventures it just says "Disc Authentification Failure

No game disc found! Please insert The Sims 3 University life game disc before proceeding"

But I want to play world adventures? and the same thing happens when I try and play generations. People keep telling me "put the latest released expansion pack in and all the clothes and everything is already added on" BUT NO. I want to play world adventures and generations! I'm not going to be able to do that if I keep putting the university life disk inside, university is the only one that gets launched. I'M LITERALLY GOING TO CRY PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME. PLEASE!

(btw I CAN'T EVEN PLAY SIMS UNIVERSITY! for the university life game when I try to move my sims to university town I click which place I want to live and I click the tick button, and it turns grey and the only two options I have in the "..." are 'lessons' and 'options' so I have to shut down my computer to exit. Can you please help me figure this out? I have tried everything"

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You still have access to any expansion pack installed. You are suppose to use the most recent expansion pack installed regardless off order of installation. All sims games are this way. I have sims 2 and 3. For Sims 2, I launch off mansion in gardens and I installed university life collection after I installed Fun With Pets, which include mansion and gardens. For the sims 3, I launch off Island Paradise. If I were to get Into The Future, I would launch off Into The Future even if I installed Island Paradise after Into The Future. I still have access to all content and game play on both games.

    So you have to launch off University because it is the most recent. You still have access to the rest of game content and game play.

    As for your other issue, contact origin for assistance.

    Source(s): Long Time Sims Player
  • 7 years ago

    I wish I can help you but the same thing is happening to me right now too!! Except I'm trying to play sims 3 showtime but stupid university life won't let me

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