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Bleh126 asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 7 years ago

help on crossfit Programming?

i have read Greg glassmans Template for programming with the 3-1 method and the 5-2 method with the modalities of M/G/W. my only question is do you keep varying the exercises and muscle groups constantly?

Ex. day 1- M- Run 10k

Day 2- GW- 5 HSPU/ 225 x 5 DL x5 round for time

Day 3- MGW-- etc..

on the next day 1 day 2 day 3 do you pick completely different exercises and rep ranges and such? i understand the template but not the rep/weight/excercises choices

PLease help on explaining this program i look forward to creating my own workouts!!!!

1 Answer

  • Cody
    Lv 6
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would STRONGLY recommend following the programming of one of the many successful Crossfit programs out there that publish their workouts online for free. Programming cannot be randomized if you want optimal results and the good Crossfit coaches know that. It takes a lot of experience and knowledge to be able to design effective workouts and effective programming to achieve your goals. Try following one of the following three programs. Note that Outlaw has two programming levels: "Outlaw Crossfit" is the standard program and "The Outlaw Way" is their advanced competition program. Invictus has three levels of programming: "Fitness", "Performance", and "Competition", increasing in difficulty in that order.

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