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  • help on crossfit Programming?

    i have read Greg glassmans Template for programming with the 3-1 method and the 5-2 method with the modalities of M/G/W. my only question is do you keep varying the exercises and muscle groups constantly?

    Ex. day 1- M- Run 10k

    Day 2- GW- 5 HSPU/ 225 x 5 DL x5 round for time

    Day 3- MGW-- etc..

    on the next day 1 day 2 day 3 do you pick completely different exercises and rep ranges and such? i understand the template but not the rep/weight/excercises choices

    PLease help on explaining this program i look forward to creating my own workouts!!!!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • playing water polo in college?? never played before though..?

    So I've played football and lacrosse all my life and I'm a sophmore in college at the question to the community is what does it take to make a college water polo team? And what are my chances of playing? I'm very athletic and am in very good shape and a decent swimmer. I want to know if I have any chance at all of making a team and playing eventhough I've never even watched a water polo game before but im looking for something new, fun and challenging

    1 AnswerSwimming & Diving8 years ago
  • playing water polo in college?? never played before though..?

    So I've played football and lacrosse all my life and I'm a sophmore in college at the question to the community is what does it take to make a college water polo team? And what are my chances of playing? I'm very athletic and am in very good shape and a decent swimmer. I want to know if I have any chance at all of making a team and playing eventhough I've never even watched a water polo game before but im looking for something new, fun and challenging

    1 AnswerWater Sports8 years ago
  • What are the best dance classes to take for a guy?

    I'm 19 and I want to learn how to be able to dance to anything.I have no dance experience and don't have which classes should I take for a good base of dancing to club stuff or just anything I've heard salsa and swing are good for type of music

    2 AnswersDancing8 years ago
  • is Combat dive school required to become Army SF operator?

    im looking into going in as an officer for army SF but im curious to know if the dive school in florida for sf guys is an option to better yourself or is it required to become a full fledged SF operator?

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • is my high protein diet wrong?

    so im in the process of cutting fat and gaining muscle and im doing 3 high protein meals a day and high protein snacks inbetween but after i have a meal or snack im still hungry.... like im constantly not hungry.... am i not having enough carbs or fiber? cause im not really having any of either... help!

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Vitasport Protein-Gain7ner it anygood?

    i just bought it to gain some muscle before football season..... my neighbor across the street is a trainer and says most gainer proteins make u fat.... is that true? what about this brand of protein?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • What type of watch do Navy seals Wear?

    does anyone know..?

    3 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • WHat type of Watch do Navy SEALs wear?

    what type of watch do seals normally wear? somebody told me luminox watches.. is that true? is it digital or a normal watch?

    3 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • The Grey movie poem What does it mean?

    what does the poem mean and symbolize? in the movie and in real life

    7 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • why does my car have no bass?

    ok so i have a1991 toyota 4runner and i just bought some new 6 inch kicker ks60 speakers which are a major improvment from what i have that was all rusty and shitty because of the previous owner.but besides the clearer sound the kickers have very little bass which sucks and when i play the music the 2 subwoofers that are build into the car dont play anything so what should i do go buy new ones or what cause i dont wanna spend too much money.

    2 AnswersCar Audio10 years ago
  • why does my car audio have no bass?

    ok so i just bought some 6 inch kicker ks60 speakers for my car and there a 110% improvment from my last speakers but theres just no bass at all.. so how do i get some crazy bass in my car for cheap ? my freind told me at pepboys you can get a big subwoofer for 30 bucks but if i buy it idk how am i suposed to connect the wires that are in the front to the back i just havnt got a clue :(

    1 AnswerCar Audio10 years ago
  • Car Speakers? help???

    so currently my car speakers suck they wont go very loud and if they do anything that has any bass will just destroy them... im looking to replace the 2 door speakers and i was looking on overstock and they have alot to choose from so im wondering whats some good speakers that will give me great sound quality for the price and how do i know theyll fit in my car ? and should i install them?

    2 AnswersCar Audio10 years ago
  • Girl trouble :( help?

    so ive asked this girl in person to go with me and freinds to fair she said yes and seemed enthusiastic about it ive known her for a year met her through a club but shes a senior and im a junior idk if it makes a difference i think it shouldnt if you have fun with each other.... and she said to text her when we wanted to go so... i texted her many times and she doesnt reply to me somtimes for days or just not at all and i dont want to be that guy that texts the girl a thousand times cause she doesnt reply... i dunno what to do should i keep trying to contact her or just forget about it even tho i feel kinda depressed and sad cause i wanted to have some fun with her and she said she did to but now it looks like its now gonna happen :/

    2 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • trying to get girl to go to fair with me ?

    so ive asked this girl in person to go with me and freinds to fair she said yes and said to text her when we wanted to go so... i texted her a couple times hasnt replied and i dont want to be that guy that texts the girl a thousand times cause she doesnt reply... dunno what to do.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • the girl i kinda like is ignoring me !?!?!?!?!?

    I text this girl that I thought she liked me but anyways I texted her if she wanted to go somewhere with me and friends and she hasn't replied back to me and this was almost a day ago I know she got the text tho cause she always checks her phone and I saw her in the halls today and I didn't notice her at first then as after she passed me I relized that when she saw me she turned her head so idk if I should go talk to her next time or what I'm kinda bummed right now what should i do :(?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • I think this girl is ignoring me ?

    I text this girl that I thought she liked me but anyways I texted her if she wanted to go somewhere with me and freinds and she hasnt replied back to me and this was almost a day ago I know she got the text tho cause she always checks her phone and I saw her in the halls today and I didn't notice her at first then as after she passed me I relized that when she saw me she turned her head so idk if I should go talk to her next time or what I'm kinda bummed right now

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Where can i buy pineapple flavoring/extract?/?

    i need pineapple flavoring/extract cause i have to make icecream for a project so i have to make it taste like pineapple and i need to go to a store to get it NOT BUY online!!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • what is the movie fight club's message?

    i know tylers a nihilist and idk exactly what they are but whats the message great movie btw

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago