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Car Speakers? help???

so currently my car speakers suck they wont go very loud and if they do anything that has any bass will just destroy them... im looking to replace the 2 door speakers and i was looking on overstock and they have alot to choose from so im wondering whats some good speakers that will give me great sound quality for the price and how do i know theyll fit in my car ? and should i install them?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well what size are your speakers? That will make a big difference. For speakers its all about your personal choice in what you like. But for me i have kicker d's in my front door and ks's in my back doors and they are loud speakers. Great bass and sound quality. Another great type of speakers are the apline type s series and infinity speakers. Check out this is where i get all of my stuff at great prices!!!!!!!! Check out those 3 brands and go off the reviews thats the best way

  • 10 years ago

    Alpine Type R 6x9 SPR-69 gets all the Type R features, like the one inch ring-dome of silk and the Neo magnets on the bass cones. There’s no phase plug of course as the tweeter is pole-mounted but you do get the HAMR surround to the bass cone to allow for extra excursion. The tweeter can be swivelled in its housing and you are supplied with a good selection of fixings and also loose grille badges to apply last thing upon installation, or else to choose to use as subtle ornament on a custom and more stealthy shelf installation.

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