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Bleh126 asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 9 years ago

is my high protein diet wrong?

so im in the process of cutting fat and gaining muscle and im doing 3 high protein meals a day and high protein snacks inbetween but after i have a meal or snack im still hungry.... like im constantly not hungry.... am i not having enough carbs or fiber? cause im not really having any of either... help!

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are still hungry because your body needs the wholesome carbs to fuel your body. If you eat more grains, beans, and starchy vegetables, you will be satisfied and not so hungry, then you will get some sustenance you need that is not fattening, plus there will be some awesome digestible protein for that muscle building.

    Focusing on the animal products for your protein can give you some digestive issues like constipation and cramping. You need fiber for good digestion. High-protein diets can cause kidney and heart problems too.

    It's good that you are cutting fat and gaining muscle, the muscle will require more calories and make you more hungry and help use up the fat in the body while working out. Try going on some daily walks for low aerobic fat burning.

  • NiKKi
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I personally do not believe in high protein diet. High protein foods usually come with high colesterol. Besides my doctor believes that high protein helps to accumulate more body mass rather then loose weight. Big deal if the body mass comes as muscle as opposed to fat! Muscles can easily become fat if you are unable to exercise for a while. Besides if you exercise a lot, you really need to push a lot of extra protein down your throat to compensate for the missing carbs, which is not always a good and healthy trade off for your

    body. Carbs often come with healthy, low fat and high fibre

    and vitamin foods that have high volume, low calorie count and can fill you up with less amount of calories.

    So I truly believe in a balanced diet with 40% calories coming from carbs, 30% from protein and 30% fat, exercising and controling the total calorie intake. And I do not think that

    eating protein and nothing but protein can do any magic. I think it can be very counterproductive. Many dieticians agree with me. I think protein diets were invented by caning adversaries to sabotage people's diet plans.

  • meara
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The Atkin's nutrition routine revolves round a severe protein nutrition routine. the topic with that's that too somewhat a lot of protein contained in the body produces a risky substance observed as ammonia. you've heard of it earlier. that's sturdy to devour a lot of meat/protein if you're progression muscle, yet you want different meals besides.

  • 9 years ago

    High protein diets aren't healthy to begin with because You're not getting enough of the other stuff. It'll make You cut fat and look good, but it's not healthy. So it's your choice on which is more important to You

    Source(s): Experience
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    add some fruit and veggies for energy an fibre and your good 2 go

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