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Lv 6
? asked in PetsHorses · 7 years ago

What type of horse owner is this ? Poll?

John or Jane Does owns at least one horse. Doe does not jump, show, barrel race or any type of competition. Does loves to take their horse or horses camping, loves the trails, sometimes packs and camps along the trail. Doe is quick to volunteer when a mounted SAR party is needed. Doe enjoys volunteering to design or build and maintain public trails.

Now answer the below questions about John or Jane Doe. Is Doe :..........

1. lazy?

2. financially well off or just getting by ?

3. a skilled or unskilled rider ?

4. well tuned to the needs of their horse ?

5. Just a dumb redneck or laid back and enjoying a simple horsey life?

6. the typical person who should not own a horse?

7. a snob or just not as into social events ?

8. an owner of contented or unsatisfied horses ?

9. likely to own quality tack or rides in poorly fitted , junky tack ?

10. A person to be admired or looked down upon ?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Uh, I don't get the point of your poll but I'll answer it lol.

    1. lazy? Uh, no. Doe sounds the exact opposite of lazy.

    2. financially well off or just getting by? I don't know! I didn't look into Doe's bank account. I assume they have to be at least SOMEWHAT well off if they own horses but I know a lot of people with horses who are just getting by.

    3. a skilled or unskilled rider ? Who knows, I would assume they are skilled enough to do what they need to do.

    4. well tuned to the needs of their horse ? I would assume they are tuned in enough to get by!

    5. Just a dumb redneck or laid back and enjoying a simple horsey life? Heck, maybe both!

    6. the typical person who should not own a horse? Uh, what's wrong with a typical person owning a horse. Sounds like they are great horse owners.

    7. a snob or just not as into social events ? maybe not into social events. Doesn't mean they are a snob.

    8. an owner of contented or unsatisfied horses ? I would like to assume the horses are satisfied and well cared for.

    9. likely to own quality tack or rides in poorly fitted , junky tack ? who knows, I would assume they ride in tack that fits their horses, themselves, and gets the job done. Doesn't have to be expensive or pretty, just functional.

    10. A person to be admired or looked down upon ? Neither, sounds like your average horse person to me.

  • Angel
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I don't get the meaning of the poll, do the Doe 's ride bareback all the time thus the tack comment, or are they not up to your opinion of a good rider because they don't wear proper riding attire, hence forth we have to judge by the fact they do not event, therefore hey are bad people hence bad riders? Or being part of SAR which is search and rescue in my neck of the woods making them snobs, and having malcontents as horses so they at out to prove something by trying to save a persons life therefore they should not enjoy their horses as they see fit?

    This sounds more like a confirmation of your own opinion what a horse owner should or should not be wanting us to confirm your problem with these people. Where would I fit in your poll. I have never been a professional show of any kind. I have raised and trained many foals and young horses without beating them or taking them, letting them buck out because after all that's what all horses should do the first time you saddle them up for a ride. I do not believe in cattle prods, stun guns or any other electric other than one line of fence that runs between my pasture and the neighbors cattle pasture, I don't use it to keep mine in, just the cows out. I don't drug my horses unless medically necessary because of injury when I get them in. I never took lessons professionally, and after 50 years of riding I have only kissed the ground 2 times, once when the horse fell, once when I was yanked off my horse by misjudgment of a branch hung low. I have helped with search and rescue, taught many kids and teens and adults about horses and horse care, custom made and fitted tack on horses and mules.

    So, I must be a lazy know it all intolerant short sighted horse owner because I believe owning horses just for the sheer pleasure of watching them move and interact. I own several junk horses that were rescued from the kill truck because of scarring, missing an eye, or just old age. Several had been abused and were hard to manage, they made great lawn mowers as well as schooling horses after a few years. So I'm a bad person then for loving to work with, play with, watch and teach about horses. Gee hoe much lower can a person get then I am? I just enjoy the animal in general, I must have a mental defect.

    Just my opinion drawn from your poll

    Source(s): Horse owner
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Horace, what's the point of this question? Are you in need of a pat on the back or something? A lot of horse owners just ride trails without participating in any of your other activities. In fact, some people own horses just because they enjoy caring for them and seeing them in their front yards each morning -- they don't even ride. Someone enjoying these pursuits could be skilled OR unskilled, rich OR poor, snobby OR laid-back, and some of us can afford only junky, "swap-meet" sale tack -- but we do make sure it fits our horses. I think horse people in general need neither to be admired NOR looked down upon, but just to be left in peace to pursue one's horsey hobby to the best of one's ability

  • Joan H
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    The answer to all of your questions is that John/Jane Doe is just like me.

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