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horace hockey

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  • Using my old flashes with Nikon D5200?

    I used to shoot professionally many years ago and still have 3 "potato masher" high power flashes. Is there a module that can be purchased for these Sunpaks ( 622, 522, 555) to use them today with my Nikon D5200 ?

    2 AnswersCameras7 years ago
  • For equine photography professionals and customers.?

    I am a former professional photographer from the old film days. (1980's mainly). I had left the industry for a while, but am now being coerced back into the business in equine photography. My questions are the following:

    1. Rather than sending images over the internet, do you send images via snail mail on CDS, DVDs, pin drives, etc? Customers, what format do you prefer ? Photographers, do you sell as prints or sell the electronic image ?

    2. Sellers, do you have a preference on what type of "package" to offer? Do you find selling the image or a printed copy best when selling on site at events ?

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • What is you opinion on Myler bits?

    Not saying I use one or even thinking I will. I recently saw a heated argument on Myler bits, particulary the combo bits. What are your thoughts ?

    5 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • What type of horse owner is this ? Poll?

    John or Jane Does owns at least one horse. Doe does not jump, show, barrel race or any type of competition. Does loves to take their horse or horses camping, loves the trails, sometimes packs and camps along the trail. Doe is quick to volunteer when a mounted SAR party is needed. Doe enjoys volunteering to design or build and maintain public trails.

    Now answer the below questions about John or Jane Doe. Is Doe :..........

    1. lazy?

    2. financially well off or just getting by ?

    3. a skilled or unskilled rider ?

    4. well tuned to the needs of their horse ?

    5. Just a dumb redneck or laid back and enjoying a simple horsey life?

    6. the typical person who should not own a horse?

    7. a snob or just not as into social events ?

    8. an owner of contented or unsatisfied horses ?

    9. likely to own quality tack or rides in poorly fitted , junky tack ?

    10. A person to be admired or looked down upon ?

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Natures' answer to frozen water tanks or just a myth ?

    I once read that if you dig a few shafts down into the ground a few feet below the frostline, then set your watering tanks on top, the rising warm air from the soil below will prevent freezing . Since cold air from above will settle down, I doubt this theory. Thoughts ?

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Which rigging do you use on your Tucker Western ?

    I have a Tucker western saddle with the double dees. I found the 3/4 method seems good on my horse, but wondering what others use on their Tuckers or other saddles offering rigging options.

    1 AnswerHorses7 years ago
  • Looking for a comfortable cavalry style boot for riding.?

    I prefer the high style cavalry boot for long trips in the saddle, but have not found any with decent insoles or comfortable while not in the saddle. Any ideas ?

    1 AnswerHorses7 years ago
  • Which DSlR camera to get ?

    I was a professional photographer in the 80's and 90's and now have been sort of drafted into getting into equine photography part time. I am thinking of getting either a Nikon D5200 or the Sony A65. Anybody use any of these two ? I own a Sony A330, but it took a bad fall (along with me ) and is not always reliable. I want to keep my budget to below $1200 as this is only a part time occupation.

    9 AnswersCameras8 years ago
  • A demand for BLM mustangs in Europe ?? (serious inquiry for adult horse people in Europe )?

    In a fb site I created, we recently had an inquiry from a member that I tend to feel uneasy about. This person stated their intent to adopt a mare and a stallion from the Bureau of Land Management wild horse and burro program. The person than states she intends to breed them and then send them to Europe. She then asked how she could have the foal registered.

    I can hardly see how the cost to transport a mustang overseas could make this a venture worth considering. The inquiry about registering has me wondering if that question is just a ruse to hide the true intent of breeding to satisfy the demand for horse meat in Europe perhaps? Or is there a demand in Europe to own one of America's living legends, the mighty little mustang ?

    I need some serious input in this matter. Later, I can ask what color tack to put on my horsey. :)

    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Think you are a good rider ? Could you do this ?

    I often see and hear folks spouting off how great a rider they are. However, if you ever saw what the U.S. cavalry of long ago was capable of doing, you would be awestruck. Here are some photos. Thoughts ?

    9 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • An equine related legacy.?

    If you had the ability to do something for the equestrian world that would benefit folks for years and years past your lifetime, what would it be ?

    6 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Poll : Winning horse funded with illegal funds.?

    Here is the what if scenario. A parent buys their child a horse that does really well in competitions. Later it is discovered that the parent bought and supported the horse with stolen or ill gotten money.

    State how you would feel about this in the below two situations. Include feelings about the winnings in competitions.

    A. You are the child whose parent got the horse through dirty money.

    B. You are somebody who had been competing against this horse. Include how you feel towards child and parent involved.

    Now add the factor the horse gets seized during the investigation. Go back and answer A and B again.

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Torn rotator cuff healing up. Questions about riding.?

    Once the doc says ok, I look forward to riding again. However, I am wondering if getting a fall protection vest may be a good idea to protect that shoulder more. Thoughts? Would a vest even provide any prevention to a shoulder ?

    Answers from adults only please.

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine8 years ago
  • Timber rattlesnakes and horses.?

    I know they can be lethal to humans if the bite is left untreated, but what are the risks to horses? I worry as we have them where I ride. Encounters are rare, but hey, it can happen.

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • My favorite leather reins are growing penicillian !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Dang nab it ! Apparently, there was some moisture on my reins when I stored them. Who knows a good way to remove the mildew and keep it from coming back ?

    5 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Looking for a reputable trainer.?

    I am looking for a reputable trainer. Does this look like a good place to send my horse ?

    P.S. This is sarcasm.

    7 AnswersHorses8 years ago