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Can anyone answer my xbox related question?

So i purchased dlc that was about $1.37 +taxes and fees with an old prepaid card. I expected there to be nothing in there since i havent checked how much i had in there for over 4 months. But regardless i got to download the dlc. Was i supposed to be able to download it and if i didnt pay for it despite the download being downloaded will i get a bill in the mail?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Microsoft may freeze your account and not let you buy anything until you pay that value.

    If you are unlucky, and they happen to have you spot on the radar, you could be sent to collections and have to pay all those extra fees, and it would ruin your credit (tied to your social security number, at a young age) in the future. Or, they might go after your parents.

    Or, the prepaid card could have just enough funds in it to cover the purchase.

    That is technically "stealing" since you knowingly made a purchase and expected there to be nothing on the card; of which, criminal charges may soon follow.

    Whatever the outcome may be, don't do it again.

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